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Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Class Nursing Health Care Hospital Hygiene Higher secondary school College Notes

Infant Child Feeding Methods

When the neonate cannot suck on the breast or when the breast milk is obtained from the other source (other mother or milk bank) or when the baby is premature, it is a good method to feed the neonate with the spoon.

Infant Feeding Methods:


Breast-feeding : Formula-feeding


1.     Nutritionally superior to formulas: Allow more accurate measurement


2.     Promotes immunological defenses : Lengthens time between feedings


3.     Less expensive than formula : Regulates preparation.


4.     Readily available at the body temperature : Refrigeration and


5.     Promotes development of facial storage. : Necessitates access to clean water and facilities.


6.     muscles, jaws, and teeth : May be  selected by mothers returning to work


7.     Reduces risk for food allergy

8.     Enhances mother infant bonding

9.     Aids in maternal uterine involution




Feeding :


Feeding with cup and spoon:


When the neonate cannot suck on the breast or when the breast milk is obtained from the other source (other mother or milk bank) or when the baby is premature, it is a good method to feed the neonate with the spoon.


The cup and spoon should be washed well and boiled for 10 minutes. Then it should be kept in a sterile container. At the time of feeding, milk may be measured and placed in a cup and kept covered.

Preparation of milk formula for feeding:


1.     Hands must be washed carefully.


2.     The container should be opened with the clean opener.


3.     The correct amount of milk powder should be measured and mixed with the sterilized warm water (dilute according to instructions).


Low socioeconomic status, where community sanitation is poor and water supply is potentially contaminated, and where a consumer is not accustomed to mixing and preparing processed formula, mothers may not be able to afford its continuous use and may over dilute .it with water that is unsafe for the body. In such cases, use of formula must be discouraged.


Feeding :


Feeding with cup and spoon:


When the neonate cannot suck on the breast or when the breast milk is obtained from the other source (other mother or milk bank) or when the baby is premature, it is a good method to feed the neonate with the spoon.


The cup and spoon should be washed well and boiled for 10 minutes. Then it should be kept in a sterile container. At the time of feeding, milk may be measured and placed in a cup and kept covered.

The baby should be made comfortable, if soiled, should be cleaned, dried and wrapped well. A bib or soft cloth may be placed loosely around the neck of the baby to prevent the baby from split feeds.


The mother who feeds, should hold the baby in a lap, close to the body, slightly in a propped up position. She must try to have eye-to-eye contact.


The warm feeds are fed by the spoon. The first bolus is allowed to swallow, before the next is fed. It is better to feed from the comer of the mouth when the baby opens the mouth. Constant observation is required to prevent aspiration and control feeding. After feeding, the baby is held in a sitting position and burped. The mouth should be wiped. The diaper should be changed, if soiled.


Bottle Feeding:


Though spoon feeding is more advantageous and safe for the baby, many mothers still practice bottle-feeding. The baby gets used to sucking from the bottle and becomes addicted to it. Sometime it is contaminated, not sterilized or inadequately cleaned.


As a result the baby is prone to get diarrhoea and other water-borne diseases. Weaning also becomes difficult for the bottle fed babies. A prolonged bottle-feeding may cause Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. Despite these negative factors, if the bottle-feeding is practiced it must be used in a safe manner.

For the normal neonate, the feeding is calculated according to the requirement. Individual modification may be needed, if the baby is weak or sick depending on it's weight, specific condition and clinical state.




1.     A bottle and a teat should be cleaned thoroughly from inside and outside with the brush. Then, it should be sterilized and kept covered.


2.     The formula should be prepared as per requirement. Baby should be awake and hungry.


3.     The milk is measured and warmed up. It is tested by sprinkling a few drops on the inner aspect of the wrist. The speed of flow should be observed by turning the bottle upside down, the milk should drop out rapidly but not run in a stream.


4.     The hole on the nipple should not be too large as the baby may choke because of the large size of the stream flow of the milk. Once the feeding bottle is prepared, it should be covered and kept ready.


5.     If soiled, the baby should be cleaned, dried, wrapped and made comfortable. Then the hands should be washed well.


6.     The person who is feeding should sit in a comfortable position and hold the baby's head in her/his arm and the hand under the baby's body.


7.     If any medicine is prescribed, it should be fed before feeding.


8.     If a baby is fed in a cradle nor incubator, the head end should be raised and the baby should be turned on the right side. This position helps the food pass easily into the duodenum and prevent regurgitation.


9.     The teat should touch the corner of the baby's mouth, and when baby opens the mouth the teat should be inserted.


10.                        The bottle should be held at the angle and care should be taken to see that the teat is completely filled with the food.


11.                        The baby should be burped during the feeding and after the feeding. The baby can be held sitting in the lap, slightly tilted forward.


12.                        After burping, when feeding is completed, the baby should lye on the right side.



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11th 12th std standard Class Nursing Health Care Hospital Hygiene Higher secondary school College Notes : Infant Child Feeding Methods |

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