1. What are the chief causes of over voltages in
electric power system?
over voltages (Natural causes)
over voltages (system oriented
2. How are switching over voltages originated in a
power system?
over voltages originate in the system itself by the connection and
disconnection of circuit breaker contacts or due to initiation or interruption
of faults.
3. What are switching over voltages?
over voltages are highly damped short duration over voltages. They are
temporary over voltages of power frequency or its harmonic frequencies.
They are sustained or weakly damped
They originate in switching and fault clearing
4. For ultra high voltages, perhaps, switching surges
may be the chief condition for design considerations. Why?
magnitudes of lighting voltages appearing on a transmission line do not depend
on line design hence lightning performance does not improve with increasing insulation
level, that is, the system voltage. On the other hand switching over voltages
is proportional to operating voltage.
Hence for
ultra high voltages switching surges may he the chief condition for
5. State the parameters and characteristics of the
lightning strokes:
Amplitude of currents
The rate of rise.
The probability distribution
Wave shape of the lightning voltage and current.
Time to peak value.
6. How are lightning strokes on transmission lines
· Direct
· Inducted
Direct stroke:
thunder cloud directly discharges on to a transmission line tower or line
wires, it is called direct stroke. This is the most severe form and this occurs
Inducted Stroke:
thunder storm generates negative charges at its ground end. The transmission
line and Tower develop induced positive charges.
lines are unaffected, because they are insulated by string insulators. However,
because of the high field gradients involved, the positive charge leak from the
Tower along the insulator surfaces to the live conductors, after a few micro
seconds, (say).
When the
cloud discharges through some earthed objects other than the transmission line,
huge concentration of positive charge is left with.
transmission line and earth act as a huge capacitor.
This may
result in a stroke and hence the name inducted lightning stroke.
7. What is Back Flashover?
times when a direct lightning stroke occurs on tower if the tower footing
resistance is considerable, the potential of the tower rises to a large value,
in view of the huge lightning stroke current, steeply with respect to the line
and consequently a flash over may take place, along the insulator string. This
is known as Back Flash over.
8. Give the mathematical Model for lightning:
Let Io –
lightning current (current source)
Zo –
source impedance (of the cloud )
Z -
object Impedance
V -
Voltage built across the object Their
V = I.Z
Zo Z + Zo = Io. Z
1 + Z / Zo)
Zo = 1000
to 3000 ohms (generally) Z = object Impedance
Tr line :
300 to 500 ohms Ground wire : 100-150ohms Tower : 10-50 ohms
Z/Zo=less and can be neglected. Therefore V= Io.Z
Where Io
= lightning stroke current Z = surge impedance.
= I0 .Z
9. A lightning stroke 10KA strikes a line of 400 ohms
surge Impedance. (I) What is the over Voltage caused?(II) If a direct stroke
occurs over the top of the unshielded Tr line what is the over voltage?
Case :I
V = Io .
Z = 10KA .400 = 4000 kv
Case II
V = Io
(Z/2) = 10 x 400 KV =2000KV
10. What is Thunder storm days?
storm days (TD) (is known as the Iso Keraunic level) is defined as the number
of days in a year when thunder is heard or recorded in a particular location,
incidence of lightning strikes on Tr. Line / substation in related to T.D.
T.D is =5
to 10 in Brittan
30 to 50
in USA
30 t0 50
in India
What are
the Causes for Switching surges?
Making and Breaking of electric circuits.
Initiation or termination of faults.
Energisation and de energisation of cables,
capacitors, transformer,
Reactors, load etc.
What are the effects Switching surges on power
Power system has large Inductance and capacitance.
Switching surges may create abnormal over voltages
(six times)
Switching surges with a high rate of rise of
voltage may cause repeated restriking of the arc between the CB contacts and
damage the contacts.
They have high Natural frequency components and damped normal frequency component.
13) Explain the Mechanism of Switching over voltage
in EHV system:
over voltage are generated when there is a sudden release of internal energy
stored in either in the electrostatic form (in the capacitance) or in the
electromagnetic from in the inductance). This happens where
(1) Low
inductive current is interrupted (Transformers and reactors)
(2) Small
capacitive current interrupted (Unloaded lines)
(3) Ferro
resonance condition
(4) Energisation
long EHV lines.
What are
the measures taken to control/ reduce the switching over voltages?
1. One step
or multi step energisation of lines by pre insertion of resistors
2. Phase
controlled closing of circuit Breakers with proper systems.
3. Drainage
of Trapped charges on long lines (by discharging) before the closing of the
4. Limiting
over voltage by surge diverters.
What are
the causes for power frequency over voltage in a system?
1. Sudden
loss of loads.
2. Disconnection
of inductive loads.
3. Ferranti
effects and unsymmetrical faults.
4. Saturation
in Transformers.
16. Name the various methods for protection of
Transmission lines against lightning over voltages:
1. Shielding
the over head line using ground wires.
2. Using
ground rods and counterpoise wires
3. Using
protective devices like expulsion gap, protector tubes, surge diverters at
appropriate places.
17. What is a ground wire in a Transmission System?
Ground wire
is a conductor run parallel to the main conductors of the transmission line
supported on the same tower and earthed every equally and regularly spaced
It is run
above the main conductors.
shields the line conductors from induced charges and lightning discharges. The
shielding angle should be less than 30.
between an expulsion gap and a protector tube/ value type LAS.
In the
expulsion gap type there is no non linear resistance.
What is
the purpose of Insulation coordination:
1. Electric
Power supply should ensure reliability and continuity
2. At the
same time cost should be low
3. A
gradation of system Insulation and protective devices operation is needed,
keeping in view of the importance and cost of equipments, duration of
interruption etc.
Hence the
need for insulation coordination.
The volt
ampere characteristics of a non linear resistor used in a surge arrester is
given by: V = K In
Where K
and n are constants
n = 0.5
to 0.6 for silicon carbide n = 0.02 to 0.03 for ZnO
For Silicon
carbide n=0.5 to 0.6, which is not enough to limit the power frequency follow
on current within limit. Hence spark gaps are used.
Where as
for ZnO, the characteristics is such that even without the spark gap, the
current value can be limited within the value (gapless lightning arrestors).
Give the
wave shape of a standard lightening impulse and a standard switching impulse
lightning impulse voltage
1) Vp = Peak
value, Tolerance ±3%
2) Tf =
front time1.2 μs }30%
3) Tt = tail
time: 50 μs }20%
switching impulse voltage
1) Vp :
Tolerance ±3%
2) Tf : 250
± 20%
3) Tt : 2500
± 60%
proper protection how should the ground wire be positioned?
They should be positioned at a height above
line conductors such that they intercept the lightning stroke.
The phase
Conductor should be in the protected Zone: within a quarter circle with the
radius = the ground clearance and centre at ground wire
shielding angle should be <300 There should be no side Flash over
footing resistance should be low to prevent back Flesh over.
23. What are counter poise wires ?
wires buried at a depth of 1m in the ground, they may be parallel to the
conductors or radial from the tower footing.
They are
to reduce tower footing resistance.
24. What are ground rods ?
rods provided driven into the ground near the tower footing and connected to
the tower footing to reduce the tower footing resistance [15 mm dia,3.0 m long,
10 to 16 rods].
What are
the characteristics of an ideal surge diverter?
1) When the
line voltage is less than the limiting value the leakage current should be
2) When the
line voltage exceeds the limit, it should offer zero impedance irrespective of
the wave shape, so that the surge voltage is by passed.
3) Immediately
after the passing of surge, and immediately after Normal voltage is returned,
it should act again as a perfect insulator.
What are
the design considerations for LAS for EHV application:
1. Rate of
rise of voltage
2. The type
of system, whether effectively earthed or grounded through an insulator etc.
3. The
operating condition of the arrester.
What is
valving off voltage?
this voltage, the LAS will not conduct. Valving off voltage should be greater
than the Normal voltage (power frequency).
there will be continuous flow of power frequency run current and hence heat and
What is
the Mechanism of generation of switching over voltage:
Making and breaking of electric circuits of
large capacitance and Inductance for example Transmission line.
De energisation of reactive loads like power
transformer (unloaded) reactors in (inductance)
The above constitute, sudden release of
internal energy stored in Electrostatic form ( in capacitance) and in
Electromagnetic form (in Inductance) and causes switching surge. Amplitude : 2
to 3.3 pu
: 1 to 10 ms
The over
voltage has high Natural frequency component and damped normal frequency
What are
the purposes of providing ground wire protection for transmission lines?
1. Ground
wires are placed above Transmission line, suitable shielding angle is provided,
when the thunder clouds come near the Tr line, since the base of the cloud has
–ve charges, +ve charges are induced in the ground wire. These induced charges
are drawn to the ground since ground wires are earthed periodically.
Consequently potential rise will be small and hence induced lightning stroke
can be prevented. Hence the frequency of lightning stroke is reduced.
2. When
lightning strokes, takes place traveling waves are generated, they move.
Correspondingly over voltages are induced in the ground wires, which will
oppose the traveling waves and Flattening of the High voltage curve on the
transmission line.
ground rods are provided?
1) To reduce
Tower footing Resistance
2) A number
of rods of 15mm dia , 2.5 m to 3.0 m long driven to the ground up to say 50m,
in hard soils.
3) They are
interconnected and connected to the tower footing.
4) Reduction
in tower footing resistance reduces the surge impedance of the Tower and back
flash over.
Give the
equivalence circuit of a surge diverter.
VTh -
Open circuit voltage at junctions.
Zth -
Thevinins equivalent Impedance
S - Surge
What are
the disadvantages of spark gap surge diverter?
1. Depends
on atmosphere conditions
2. Arc
cleaning to be done after surge flow.
3. For the
same voltage peak, the gap to be set for lightning over voltage is lesser than
the gap to be set for switching over voltage and hence if we set a spark gap
surge diverter for lightning over voltage, frequent flashover occurs for
switching surge even if the peak voltage is lesser than the set value.
What are
the characteristics of an ideal surge diverter?
1. When the
line voltage is less than the limiting value, leakage current should be zero.
Perfect insulator and impedance is infinite.
2. When the
line voltage exceeds the limit, it should offer zero impedance and irrespective
of the voltage shape it should by pass the voltage.
3. After the
surge is bypassed & immediately after normal voltage is restored, once
again is should act as an insulator.
34) How are the above characteristics are obtained
in practice?
One or
more air gaps with a suitable non linear resistance can produce the above
1.Thunder Cloud
A thunder
cloud consists of super cooled water droplets moving Upwards an large
hailstones moving downwards.
2. Ground wire
wire is a conductor run parallel to the main conductor of the Transmission line
supported on the same tower and earthed at every equally and regularly spaced
3. Product Tube
It is a
device which consists of a rod or spark gap in air formed by the line conductor
and its high voltage terminal.
4. Basic Impulse Level
It is
defined as the minimum insulation impulse withstands voltage any power
equipment or apparatus.
5. Surge Arresters
They are
non-linear resistors in series with spark gaps which act as fast switches.
6. Expulsion Gap
consists of a rod gap in air in air in series with a second gap enclosed within
a fiber tube.
7. Lightning Strokes
of the current, the rate of rise, the probability distribution them and the
wave shapes of the lightning voltages and currents.
8. Scares Theory
theory is based on the temperature variations in the various regions of the
9. Over Voltages
purpose of this Guide is to provide information on transient and temporary over
voltages and currents in end-user AC power systems.
10. Clamping Voltage:
term. See measured limiting voltage.
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