1. Write the importance of balancing?
If the moving part of a machine are
not balanced completely up then the inertia forces are set which may cause
excessive noise, vibration, wear and balancing of tear of the system. So
machine is necessary.
2. Why rotating masses are to be dynamically balanced? (or)
Why balancing of dynamic forces is necessary?
If the rotating masses are not
dynamically balanced, the unbalanced dynamic forces will cause worse effects
such as wear and tear on bearings and excessive vibrations on machines. It is
very common in cam shafts, steam turbine rotors, engine crank shafts, and
centrifugal pumps, etc.
3. Differentiate:
static and dynamic balancing.
Static Balancing
net dynamic force
acting on the shaft is equal to
It deals only
with balancing of dynamic forces.
Dynamic Balancing
The net dynamic force and the net
couple due to the dynamic force is equal to zero.
It deals with balancing of dynamic
force and balancing of couple due to dynamic forces.
4. Why is only
a part of the unbalanced force due to reciprocating masses balanced by
revolving mass? (Or) Why complete balancing is not possible in reciprocating
Balancing of reciprocating masses is done by introducing the balancing mass
opposite to the crank. The vertical component of the dynamic force of this balancing mass gives rise to “Hammer b low”.
In order to reduce the Hammer
blow, a part of the reciprocating mass is
balanced. Hence complete balancing is
not possible in reciprocating engines.
5. Can a single
cylinder engine be fully balanced? Why?
No. A single cylinder engine can’t
be fully balanced. Because the unbalanced forces due to reciprocating masses
remains constant in magnitude (because of variation in Ө).
6. What are the
effects of hammer blow and swaying couple?
• The
effect of hammer blow is to cause the variation in pressure between the wheel
and the rail, such that vehicle vibrates vigorously.
• The
effect of swaying couple is to make the leading wheels sway from side to side.
7. List the
effects of partial balancing of locomotives?
• Variation
in tractive force along the line of stroke,
• Swaying
couple, and
• Hammer
8. Define
tractive force.
The resultant unbalanced force due
to the two cylinders along the line of stroke is known as tractive force.
9. What is
swaying couple?
unbalanced force acting at
a distance between the line
of stroke of two
cylinders, constitute
a couple in the horizontal direction. This couple is known
as swaying couple.
10.Define hammer blow with respect to locomotives?
The maximum magnitude of the
unbalanced force along the perpendicular to the line of stroke is known as
hammer blow.
11.State the conditions for static and dynamic balancing?
(or) Write the condition for complete balancing?
• The
net dynamic force acting on the shaft is zero. This is called as conditions for
static balancing.
• The
net couple due to dynamic force acting on the shaft is zero.
12. What are the condition to be satisfied for complete
balance of in- line engine?
• The
algebraic sum of the primary and secondary
forces must be zero, and
• The
algebraic sum of the couples due to primary and secondary forces must be zero.
13.Whether grinding wheels are balanced or not? If so why?
Yes, the grinding wheels are
properly balanced by inserting some low density materials. If not the required
surface finish won’t be attained and the vibration will cause much noise.
14.Differentiate between the unbalanced force caused due to
rotating and reciprocating masses?
• Complete
balancing of revolving mass can be possible. But fraction of reciprocating mass
only balanced.
• The
unbalanced force due to reciprocating mass varies in magnitude but constant in
direction. But in the case of revolving masses, the unbalanced force is
constant in magnitude but varies in direction.
15.Unbalanced effects of shafts in high speed machines are
to be closely looked into – Why?
The dynamic forces of centrifugal
forces or a result of unbalanced masses are a function the angular velocity of
16.Write a note on the effect of firing order on balancing
of reciprocating mass in multi-cylinder engines.
In multi-cylinder engines, there are
several possibilities of the order in which firing takes place. To overcome the
problem of vibrations, fuel distribution, exhaust distribution, etc., the
designers are selecting different firing orders.
17.Two masses in different planes are necessary to correct
the dynamic unbalance – Justify.
• If
the balancing mass and disturbing mass lie in different planes, disturbing mass
cannot be balanced by a single mass as there will be a couple left unbalanced.
• In
such cases, at least two balancing masses are required for complete balancing
and the three masses are arranged in such a way that the resultant force and
couple on the shaft are zero.
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