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Chapter: User Interface Design : Multimedia

Important Questions and Answers: Multimedia Supporting Tools

User Interface Design - Multimedia - Important Questions and Answers: Multimedia Supporting Tools




1.What are the different categories of users? What category of users requires guidance and assistance?

Category of users.

Novice users.


Average users.

Experienced users or experts.

Novice users requires guidance and assistance

Instructions of prompting.

A help facility.



Contextual help.

Task oriented help.

Reference help.


Hints or tips.


2.What is the need for Internalization?


Internationalization is the process of isolating culturally specific elements from a product.


To make a product acceptable worldwide, it must be internationalized.


A system must also be designed to be usable by an almost unlimited range of people, being accessible to anyone who desires to use it.


(Ex) The German text of a program developed in Germany, for example, is isolated from the program itself.


3.Mention the 3 properties of a color?


Color possesses 3 properties such as hue chroma or saturation and valve or intensity.


Hue is the spectral wave length composition of a color.


Chroma or saturation is the purity of a color in a scale from gray to the most vivid version of the color valve or intensity is the relative lightness or darkness of a color in a range from black to white.


4.What is the need for feed back in websites?


Quick web response time- web pages were presented at pre established delays reduced.


For web page requires more than 5 seconds, give the user something to do while waiting.


Avoid frustrations to users.

Quickly provide at the down loading padge top some text or link.


5. State how guidance improves the user interface? Following guidance improve the user interface.


Online documentation provided on line to help people to do their work effectively.


Computer based training, instructional of prompting messages and system messages serves as a development tool.


Help system assist the people is all activities.


6.What are the items associated with progress indicator? Where it is used?

When filling the indicator:

If horizontally arrayed, fill it from left to right.


If vertically arrayed, fill it from bottom to top.

Fill it with a color or a shade of gray.

Include descriptive text for the process, as necessary.

Place text outside of the control.



7.What are the needs for status bar message?




To provide a representation of actual screen content based upon the parameter or parameters selected.


8.What do    you mean by        internationalization of user interface?


Internalization is the process of isolating culturally specific elements from a product.


(Ex) The german text of a program developed in germany , it is isolated from the program itself.


9.What are the different types of messages?


Status messages.

Informational messages.

Warning messages.

Critical messages.

Question messages.


10.What are the characteristics of a successful Icon?


Looks different from all other icons.

Is obvious what it does or represents.

Is recognizable when no larger than 16 pixels square.

Looks as good in black and white as in color.


11.State the Categories of Users.

Users of the earliest computer systems were mandatory or nondiscretionary.


That is, they required the computer to perform a task that, for all practical purposes, could be performed no other way.


This newer kind of user is the office executive, manager, or other professional,




computer use is completely discretionary.


What type of words used in effective communication?

Short familiar words

Standard alphabetic characters

Complete words

Positive terms

Simple action words

Consistent words


What are the guidelines followed for sentence and message?

Sentence and messages must be

Brief and simple

Directly and immediately usable

  Ø An affirmative statement. 

Ø In an active voice.


14. Define message? What are the types of messages?

Ø Messages are communication provided on the screen to the screen viewer.


A message should possess the proper tone and style and be consistent within it. Types of message:


Ø System message Ø Status message

Ø Informational message Ø Warning message

Ø Critical message Ø Question message


15. What is meant by instructional message?


Ø Provide instructional information at the depth of detail needed by the user. Ø Locate instruction atStrategic points on screen.


Display instructions in a manner that visually differentiates from allother screen elements.



16.   What is meant by response time?   

Feed back to an user for an action must occur within certain time limits.

System should matchthe speed and flow of human through processes.


17.   What is the use of progress indicator?    

A progress indicator is a long rectangular box that is initially empty but filled as the operation proceeds.  

Dynamically fill the bar with a color or shade of grey.


18.   What is known as ear cons? 

Sounds sometimes called ear cons, are useful for altering the user.

To minor and obvious mistakes

When something unexpected happens

When a long process is finished


19.   Differentiate between slip and mistake?  


Can be reduced through proper application of human factors in design



Can be reduced by eliminating ambiguity from design.


20. What are the ways to prevent errors?

Errors can be reduced in a number of ways

Disable inapplicable choices.

Design screen using selection controls instead of entry controls.

Accept common misspelling whenever possible.

Before an action is performed, permit it to be reviewed.


Provide a common action mechanism.


21.What is meant by contextual Help?


It provides information within the context of a task being performed or about a specific object being operated.


Common kinds of contextual help command buttons, status bar messages andtool tips.


22.What is the purpose of hints?


To provide a few important contextual but specific items of information related to a


displayed screen.

It is more easily accessible and relevant to te current situation.

The objective is quickly get the user back on track when confusion occurs.


23.What is meant by internalization?

It is the process of isolating culturally specific elements form a product.


The German text of a program developed in Germany for example is isolated from the program itself.


24.What is meant by localization?


Localization is the process of infusing a specific cultural context into previously internalized product.


Ex: Translating German Screen Components and message into English for American users.


25.What is meant by Accessibility?


Accessibility means a system must be designed to be usable by an almost unlimited range of people.


It can be def1ned as providing easy access to a system for people with disabilities.


26.What are the various types of disabilities?

Disabilities can be grouped into several categories.



Physical movement

Speech or language impairments

Cognitive disorders

Seizure disorders


27. What is meant by icon?


Icons are used to represent objects and action with users can interact with or they can



It may be stand alone on a desktop or in a window.

It is to reinforce important information a warning icon in a dialog message box.


28. What are the various kinds of icon?

Symbolic - An abstract image representing something.

Exemplar - An image illustrating an example or characteristic of something.


Arbitrary - An image completely arbitrary in appearance whose meaning must be learned.


Analogy - An image physically or semantically associated with something.

Resemblance – An image that looks like what it means.


29. What is meant by dithering?


If pixels of different colors are placed next to each other, this tremor combines the 2


colors into a 3rd color.

This is referred to dithering.


30. Mention the properties of a color.

Hue: It is the spectral wavelength composition of a color.


Chroma or Saturation: It is the purity of a color in a scale from gray to the most vivid version of the color.


Value or Intensity: It is the relative lightness or darkness of a color in a range from black to white.


31. What is known as protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia.

Protanopia, Deuteranopia and Tritanopia are color viewing deficiencies.

Red viewing deficiency is called protanopia.

Green viewing deficiency is called deuteranopia.

Blue viewing deficiency is called tritanopia.


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