(stasis) eczema
but not always, accompanied by obvious venous insufficiency.
A chronic patchy eczematous condition of the lower legs, sometimes accompanied by varicose veins, oed-ema and haemosiderin deposition (Fig. 7.26). When severe it may spread to the other leg or even become generalized.
often become sensitized to local antibiotic applications or to the
preservatives in medicated bandages. Excoriations may lead to ulcer formation.
should include the elimination of oedema by el-evation, pressure bandages or
diuretics. A moderately potent topical steroid may be helpful, but stronger
ones are best avoided. Bland applications, e.g. Lassar’s paste or zinc cream
BNF, or medicated bandages are useful
but stasis eczema is liable to persist, despite surgery to the underlying
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