3-D Secure : An additional security layer for
online credit and debit card transactions.
Ciphertext : It is the encrypted data usually
the output of an encryption algorithm
Cracker : A person who breaks computer
network’s security maliciously to gain access to critical data.
Cryptanalysis : Analyzing a suspecting document
for hidden data or chiphertext
Cyber Squatting : Is the illegal practice of
registering an Internet domain name that might be wanted by another person in
an intention to sell it later for a profit
Decipher : A standard algorithm for
decrypting data
Domain name : The website address of an online
Encryption : A method of scrambling data
using an algorithm to protect / hide from unauthorized access.
Friendly Fraud : Is an intentional falsely claim
of a costumer that they really didn’t buy(after receiving the goods)
Hacking : Unauthorized intrusion into a
computer or a network. That is to say breaking security to gain access to a
website illegally and intercept confidential information
Message digest (MD) : Is a
representation of data in a form of single string of digits using one- way
hashing formula.
One-Time Password (OTP) : A
dynamic password that is valid for one login session or transaction provides a
potential security for a e-payment transaction.
PIN (Personal Identification Number) : A static
number that is assigned to consumers to secure card based payments.
Plaintext/ cleartext : It is
the unencrypted information also called as input chip
Traffic : An indicator that marks the
number of visitors for a particular site.
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