General Features of Psychiatric
The ideal interview setting is one which provides a
pleasant at-mosphere and is reasonably comfortable, private and free from
outside distractions. Such a setting not only provides the physical necessities
for an interview but conveys to the patient that he/she will be well cared for
and safe. Providing such a setting may pose special problems in certain
interviewing situations. For example, it may be necessary to interview highly
agitated patients in the presence of security personnel; interviewers on
medical–surgical units must pay special attention to the patient’s comfort and
Verbal communication may be straightforward
imparting of in-formation: “Every year around November, I begin to lose
interest in everything and my energy gets very low”. However, patients may
convey information indirectly through metaphor, or use words for
noninformational purposes such as to express or con-tain emotions or to create
an impact on the interviewer.
In metaphorical language, one idea is represented
by an-other with which it shares some features. For example, when asked how she
gets along with her daughter-in-law, a woman replies, “I can never visit their
house because she always likes to keep the thermostat down. It’s never as warm
as I need”. Such a reply suggests that the woman may not feel “warmly” accepted
and welcomed by her son’s wife. Metaphor may also use the body to represent
ideas or feelings. A man who proved to meet the diagnostic criteria for major
depressive disorder described his mood as “OK” but complained that his life was
being ruined by constant aching in his chest for which the doc-tors could find
no cause. In this instance, the pain of depression was experienced and
described metaphorically as a somatic symptom.
Language may be used to express emotions directly
(“I’m afraid of you and I don’t want to talk to you”), but more often is used
indirectly by influencing the process of the interview (Bernstein and
Bernstein, 1985). Patients may shift topics, make off-hand remarks or jokes,
ask questions, and compliment or be-little the interviewer as a way of
expressing feelings. The process of the interview frequently expresses the
patient’s feelings about his/her immediate situation or interaction with the
interviewer (Malan, 1979). For example, a woman being evaluated for depres-sion
and anxiety suddenly said, “I was just wondering doctor, do you have any
children?” The further course of the interview re-vealed that she was terrified
of being committed to a hospital and abandoned. The question was an attempt to
establish whether the interviewer was a good parent and therefore safe as a
caretaker for her.
Language may also be used in the service of
psychologi-cal defense mechanisms to contain rather than express emotions
(Freud, 1946). For example, a young man with generalized anxi-ety was asked
whether he was sexually active. He replied by talk-ing at length about how all
the women he knew at college were either unappealing or attached to other men.
Further discussion revealed that he developed severe symptoms of anxiety
when-ever he was with a woman to whom he felt sexually attracted. His initial
reply represented an automatic, verbal mechanism (in this case, a
rationalization) for keeping the anxiety out of awareness.
Another form of process communication is the use of
lan-guage to make an impact on the interviewer (Casement, 1985). A statement
such as “If you can’t help me I’m going to kill my-self”, might convey suicidal
intent, but may also serve to stir up feelings of concern and involvement in
the interviewer. Simi-larly, the patient who says, “Dr X really understood me,
but he was much older and more experienced than you are”, may be feeling
vulnerable and ashamed, and unconsciously trying to induce similar feelings in
the interviewer. When language is used in this way, the interviewer’s
subjective reaction may be the best clue to the underlying feelings and
motivations of the patient.
Emotions and attitudes are communicated nonverbally
through facial expressions, gestures, body position, movements of the hands,
arms, legs, and feet, interpersonal distance, dress and grooming, and speech
prosody (Knapp, 1978). Some nonverbal communications such as gestures are
almost always conscious and deliberate, while others often occur automatically
outside one’s awareness. The latter type are particularly important to observe
during an interview because they may convey messages entirely separate from or
even contradictory to what is being said.
expression, body position, tone of voice, and speech emphasis are universal in
the way they convey mean-ing (Ekman et al.,
1972). The interviewer will automatically decode these signals but may ignore
the message due to coun- tertransference or social pressure from the patient.
For exam-ple, a patient may say, “I feel very comfortable with you, doc-tor”,
but sit stiffly upright and maintain a rigidly fixed smile, conveying a strong
nonverbal message of tension and mistrust. The nonverbal message may be missed
if, for example, the in-terviewer has a strong need to be liked by the patient.
An-other patient denies angry feelings while sitting with a tightly clenched
fist. The interviewer may unconsciously collude with the patient’s need to
avoid his anger by ignoring the body language.
As with any medical examination, observation of
non-verbal behavior may provide important diagnostic information. For example,
a leaden body posture may indicate depression, movements of the foot may arise
from anxiety or tardive dys-kinesia, and sudden turning of the head and eyes
may suggest hallucinations.
Nonverbal communication proceeds in both
directions, and the nonverbal messages of the interviewer are likely to have a
considerable effect on the patient. Thus, the interviewer who sits back in his
chair and looks down at his notes communicates less interest and involvement
than one who sits upright and makes eye contact. Similarly, an interviewer who
gives a weak handshake and sits behind a desk or far across the room from the
patient will communicate a sense of distance which may interfere with
establishing rapport. It is important that the interviewer be aware of his/her
own nonverbal messages and adapt them to the needs of the patient.
The complexity of communication in the psychiatric
interview is mirrored by the complexity of listening (Luborsky, 1984). The
interviewer must remain open to literal and metaphorical messages from the
patient, to the impact the patient is trying to make, and to the degree to
which nonverbal communication complements or contradicts what is being said.
Doing this opti-mally requires that the interviewer also be able to listen to his/her
own mental processes throughout the interview, including both thoughts and
emotional reactions. Listening of this kind depends upon having a certain level
of comfort, confidence and space to reflect, and may be very difficult when the
patient is hostile, agi-tated, demanding, or putting pressure on the
interviewer in any other way. With such patients, it may take many interviews
to do enough good listening to gain an adequate understanding of the case.
Another important issue in listening is maintaining
a proper balance between forming judgments and remaining open to new
information and new hypotheses. On the one hand, one approaches the interview
with knowledge of diag-nostic classifications, psychological mechanisms,
behavioral patterns, social forces and other factors which shape one’s
understanding of the patient. The interviewer hears the mate-rial with an ear
to fitting the information into these preformed patterns and categories. On the
other hand, the interviewer must remain open to hearing and seeing things which
extend or modify his/her judgments about the patient. At times the interviewer
may listen narrowly to confirm a hypothesis, while at others he/she may listen
more openly, with relatively little preconception. Thus, listening must be structured
enough to generate a formulation but open enough to avoid premature judgments.
The optimal attitude of the interviewer is one of
interest, con-cern and intention to help the patient. While the interviewer
must be tactful and thoughtful about what he/she says, this should not preclude
behaving with natural warmth and spon-taneity. Indeed, these qualities may be
needed to support pa-tients through a stressful interview process. Similarly,
the interviewer must try to use natural, commonly understood language and avoid
jargon or technical terms. The interviewer must communicate his/her intention
to keep the patient as safe as possible, whatever the circumstances. Thus,
while one must at times set limits on the behavior of an agitated,
threat-ening, or abusive patient, one should never be attacking or rejecting.
Empathy is an important quality in psychiatric
inter-viewing. While sympathy is an expression of agreement or sup-port for
another, empathy entails putting oneself in another’s place and experiencing
his/her state of mind. Empathy com-prises both one’s experiencing of another
person’s mental state and the expression of that understanding to the other
person (Barrett-Lennard, 1981). For example, in listening to a man talk about
the death of his wife, the interviewer may allow him-self to resonate
empathetically with the patient’s feelings of loneliness and desolation. Based
on this resonance, he might respond, “After a loss like that, it feels as if
the world is com-pletely empty”.
As a mode of listening, empathy is an important way
of understanding the patient; as a mode of response, it is impor-tant in
building rapport and alliance. Patients who feel great emotional distance from
the interviewer may make empathic understanding difficult or impossible. Thus,
the interviewer’s inability to empathize may itself be a clue to the patient’s
state of mind.
The overall structure of the psychiatric interview
is generally one of reconnaissance and detailed inquiry (Sullivan, 1970). In
re-connaissance phases, the interviewer inquires about broad areas of
symptomatology, functioning, or life course: “Have you ever had long periods
when you felt very low in mood?” “How have you been getting along at work?”
“Tell me what you did between high school and when you got married”. In
responding to such questions, patients give the interviewer leads which then
must be pursued with more detailed questioning. Leads may include references to
symptoms, difficulty in functioning, interpersonal problems, ideas, states of
feeling, or stressful life events. Each such lead raises questions about the
nature of the underlying problem, and the interviewer must attempt to gather
enough de-tailed information to answer these questions. Reliance on yes or no
“gate questions” to rule out areas of pathology has been shown to increase the
risk of missing important information. This risk may be minimized by asking
about important areas in several ways (Barber et al., 2001).
In general, the initial reconnaissance consists of
asking how the patient comes to treatment at this particular time. This is done
by asking an open-ended question such as “What brings you to see me today?” or
“How did you come to be in the hos-pital right now?” A well-organized and
cooperative patient may spontaneously provide most of the needed information,
with lit-tle intervention from the interviewer. However, the patient may reveal
deficits in thought process, memory, or ability to com-municate, which dictate
more structured and narrowly focused questioning.
The patient’s emotional state and attitude may also
im-pede a smooth flow of information. For example, if the patient shows
evidence of anxiety, hostility, suspiciousness, or indif-ference, the
interviewer must first build a working alliance before trying to collect
information. This usually requires ac-knowledging the emotions which the
patient presents, helping the patient to express his/her feelings and related
thoughts, and discussing these concerns in an accepting and empathic manner
(Strean, 1985). As new areas of content open up, the interviewer must continue
to attend to the patient’s reactions, both verbal and nonverbal, and to
identify and address resistance to open communication.
Setting an appropriate level of structure is an
important aspect of psychiatric interviewing. Psychiatric patients may
spontaneously report a low number of symptoms, and initial di-agnostic
impressions may be misleading (Herran et
al., 2001). Over the past two decades, a variety of structured interview
for-mats have been developed for psychiatric assessment (Wiens, 1990; Spitzer et al., 1978). In these interviews, the
organization, content areas, and, to varying degrees, wording of the questions
are standardized; vague, overly complex, leading or biased, and judgmental
questions are eliminated, as is variability in the at-tention given to
different areas of content. The major benefits of such interviews are that they
ensure complete coverage of the specified areas and greatly increase the
reliability of informa-tion gathered and diagnostic judgments. In addition,
formats which completely specify the wording of questions can be ad-ministered
by less highly trained interviewers or even as patient self-reports.
The disadvantages of highly structured interviews
are that they diminish the ability to respond flexibly to the patient and
preclude exploration of any areas not specified in the for-mat (Groth-Marnat,
1990). They are therefore used to best ad-vantage for interviews with focused
goals. For example, such interviews may aim to survey certain DSM IV Axis I
disor-ders, to assess the type and degree of substance abuse, or to delineate the
psychological and behavioral consequences of a traumatic event. They are less
useful in a general psychiatric assessment where the scope and focus of the
interview cannot be preordained.
In the usual clinical situation, while the
interviewer may have a standardized general plan of approach, he/she must adapt
the degree of structure to the individual patient. Open-ended, nondirective
questions derive from the psychoanalytic tradition. They are most useful for
eliciting and following emotionally salient themes in the patient’s lifestory
and interpersonal his-tory. Focused, highly structured questioning derives from
the medical/descriptive tradition and is most useful for delineating the scope
and evolution of pathological signs and symptoms. In general, one uses the
least amount of structure needed to main-tain a good flow of communication and
cover the necessary topic areas.
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