with lines
What shapes can you draw with 3 lines or 4 lines
or 5 lines?
We have already seen some shapes with names like
triangles, rectangles and squares.
Here is a shape which is in the form of a fish (see
Fig. 4.1).
It has 5 lines. Can you draw a fish with 4 lines
or with 3 lines? Think!
Only two lines
What shapes can you draw with only TWO lines?
The following forms are possible with 2 lines. Isn’t
Is there something you notice in all these shapes?
Only one line
What shapes can be drawn with only ONE line? The
line may be standing upright, lying flat, or slanting. Perhaps it can be, slant
left or slant right. It may be long or short.
Now, consider the following situation.
The teacher gives Yazhini a paper with a line drawn
on it and asks Akilan to draw the same line on the black board, as instructed by
Yazhini. Then they shall reverse the process. They do the same with other shapes
using 2 lines and 3 lines. Try doing this and say, whether this is easy to do!
Observe the following conversation.
Teacher: Sakthi, can you say how to draw lines?
Sakthi: Yes Teacher! Why only lines? I may like to draw
curves and circles too!
Teacher: Sakthi, you can do all the shapes
you like. But you see, there is
enough difficulty in describing shapes made only of lines. So, we will get to curves
and circles later.
Sakthi: Teacher, Why should we describe shapes? We can just draw and show them when we want.
Is Sakthi right?
In Mathematics, every thinking is interesting and
unlimited. Remember numbers; it is not stopped with adding 2 – digits. Numbers go
on endlessly and it is possible to add any two numbers, however large. We know that
even a 37- digit number ending in 0 is divisible by 5.
It is the same with shapes too. We are interested
in lines, triangles, rectangles and in whatever the shapes may be and the size however
large or small. We need to give them names not only to describe them but also to
explore a lot with them.
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