Family welfare:
During the postnatal period, the mother
is advised about the temporary and permanent family planning methods. The
midwife should motivate the mother to adapt to contraception.
Family welfare programme in India:
National Family Welfare Programme in
India has been started from 1975. It comprises of five components.
Maternal and child health care.
2. Immunization of pregnant women by tetanus toxide (TT) and
that of children by BCG, oral polio, DPT and measles.
3. Nutritional supplement. Iron and folic acid tablets to
pregnant women, Vitamin A supplements to children.
Education and distribution of
spacing contraceptives (condom, contraceptive pills, intrauterine contraceptive
devices and other chemical methods etc).
Motivating for voluntary surgical
contraception. (tubectomy for female and vasectomy for male)
Health education on primary health
Medical termination
of pregnancy (MTP)
service is also
available from 1972 onwards
throughout the country as a health measure for protection of women' s health
against criminal abortion.
Reproductive Child Health:
Now the family welfare services are
modified as Reproductive Child Health Programme. RCH services include maternal
and child health services including family planning, adolescent health,
identification of reproductive tract infections and their treatment , screening
for malignant changes affecting the reproductive organs etc
Legal aspects in midwifery:
1.Medical termination of pregnancy act (MTP act) 1971, which
has iberalized abortion, permits abortion under the following conditions. Where
the pregnancy is a risk to the life of the mother.
Risk to the life of the fetus.
Cause is due to rape
due to contraceptive failure.
social cause
economic cause
Eugenic cause
2.Identification of the sex of the baby in the uterus and
revealing is unethical and illegal.
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