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Chapter: 11th Office Management and Secretaryship : Chapter 3 : Office Accommodation and Layout

Factors in Selecting Office Premises

The following factors should be considered before making the final choice of location of office building:

Office Location:


Factors in selecting Office Location:


The following factors should be considered before making the final choice of location of office building:


a.           Suitability to Neighbourhood: The office must be located in a quiet and healthy neighbourhood free from noise dust, fumes or intolerable smell.


b.          Proximity to Other Units: Different units of the enterprise (e.g., factory, warehouse, branches etc) should be located nearby for smooth operation of business.


c.            Proximity to Related Business: It is desirable to have an office near other offices which are engaged in the same line of business activities which enables for the advantage of localization.


d.          Nearness to service Facilities: Office should be located near service facilities like banks, post offices, markets, stock exchange etc.


e.            Nearness of Transport Facilities: For the convenience of the staff and the customers as well as for smooth operation of business, it is necessary that the locality should be adequately served by transport services of all kind i.e. railway station, port, air terminal etc.


Factors in Selecting Office Premises:


The characteristics of the building, the building facilities, the proximity of the office building to business factors, the cost involved, adaptability of space, natural; lighting and ventilation provided, freedom from dust and noise, favourable impression on visitors and general public, provision for employees comfort and health and facilitation of working processes are to be considered while selecting location of office. The following points are to be kept in mind while selecting office building:


1.   Safety of Records and Staff: The safety and security of office records and of the personnel employed in an office building is most important. The office building should have the advantage of a fire proof construction, fire escapes, automatic safety devices etc.


2.           Working Conditions: The office building must provide good and satisfactory working conditions. Facilities like water, lighting and ventilation should

3.           be available. The building should be free from dust, noise, fumes and intolerable smells.


4.           Adaptability to Proposed Layout: It should be capable of being modified or altered so that different sections of the office may be properly accommodated in it.


5.           Office Fitting: It should be adequately provided with electricity, power, telephone, water connection and other fittings.


6.           Future Expansion: It should offer enough scope for future expansion. When a building is owned or constructed by the organization, provision should be made for additional floor for future expansion requirements.


7.           Type of Building: The most suitable type of office building is that which provides completely open space other than the supporting columns and temporary partitions which can be removed if required.


The office building must ensure that there is


·              Sufficient floor space for each worker and furniture required by him.


·              Facilities for fresh air, water, lighting and ventilation.


·              Service facilities like telephone and lights in the building.


·              Scope for renewal and alterations in the building if required in future

·              Facilities of general convenience, toilet, canteen etc.


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11th Office Management and Secretaryship : Chapter 3 : Office Accommodation and Layout : Factors in Selecting Office Premises | Modern Office | Office Management and Secretaryship

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