Ethical Use of History or Physical Examination Data
A particularly important
guideline for use whenever information is elicited from a person through the
health history or physical examination is that the person has the right to
know why the in-formation is sought and how it will be used. For this reason,
it is important to explain what the history and physical examination are, how
the information will be obtained, and how it will be used (Fuller &
Schaller-Ayers, 2000). It is also important that the individual be aware that
the decision to participate is voluntary. A private setting for the history
interview and physical examination promotes trust and encourages open, honest
communication. After the history collection and examination, the nurse
selectively records the data pertinent to the patient’s health status. This
writ-ten record of the patient’s history and physical examination find-ings is
then maintained in a secure place and made available only to those health
professionals directly involved in the care of the patient. This protects
confidentiality and promotes professional conduct.
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