Its Sub Divisions
has been divided into some branches.
wants coming under consumption is the starting point of economic activity. In
this section the characteristics of human wants based on the behaviour of the
consumer, the diminishing marginal utility and consumer’s surplus are dealt
is the process of transformation of inputs into output. This division covers
the characteristics and role of the factors of production namely Land, Labour,
Capital and Organization and also the relationship between inputs and output.
is concerned with price determination in different market forms. This division
covers trade and commerce. Consumption is possible only if the produced
commodity is placed in the hands of the consumer.
is the result of the coordination of factors of production. Since a commodity
is produced with the efforts of land, labour, capital and organization, the
produced wealth has to be distributed among the cooperating factors. The reward
for factors of production is studied in this division under rent, wages,
interest and profit. Distribution studies about the pricing of factors of
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