Special Beds
Admission bed
This is prepared for the newly admitted patient.
Provide minimum disturbance to the
patient during admission bath and physical examination.
Protect bed linen during admission
bath and leave a fresh bed immediately ready for the use.
Post-operative bed.
This is prepared for the patient who has undergone surgery.
Protect bed linen from vomiting,
bleeding, drainage and discharges.
Provide warmth and comfort to the
patient to prevent shock.
Fracture bed
This is a hard firm bed designed for the patient with fracture particularly of
spine, pelvis or femur.
Aid in immobilizing the fracture.
Prevent unnecessary pain.
Provide warmth and comfort to the
Prevent undue sagging of the
Plaster bed
This is a hard bed designed for the patient with plaster.
Aid in immobilizing the part until the plaster dries.
Aid in drying the plaster in correct
position and shape.
Provide warmth to dry the plaster
and keep the patient comfortable.
Amputation or stump bed :
In this type of bed the top bed clothes are divided or split. This is known as
amputation or stump bed when it is used for the patient with amputation of
Avoid disturbance to the patient
during constant observation, repeated applications or treatments
are necessary for abdomen or lower limbs.
Take the weight of the clothes off
the side of the amputated limb or stump.
Keep the stump in good position.
Watch stump for hemorrhage
constantly and apply a tourniquet instantly if necessary.
Cardiac bed This is prepared for a patient with heart
Relieve dyspnoea.
Assist in recovery of the patient.
Provide comfort to the patient.
Prevent complications.
Rheumatism or renal bed:
This is prepared to provide extra warmth to the patient.
Provide extra warmth to the body
incase of general debility and shock.
Provide comfort to the aching joints
in patients with acute rheumatism.
perspiration for excretion of waste products incase of nephritis.
Burns bed
This is prepared for a patient with burns.
Prevent infection to the burnt area.
Help in healing of the burnt area.
Provide comfort to the patient.
Prevent the patient from sticking to
the sheet as a
result of exudates oozing from the burnt area.
The beds must be versatile and
adaptable to different needs of the patients with following arrangements.
Siderails These are used to
Prevent the patient from falling out
of bed.
Protect the restless patient.
Provide the patient support to grasp
and hold when moving about.
These are located at the foot of bed and used to:
Adjust the height of bed.
Raise or lower the head, foot or
knee sections in order to maintain various bed positions for treatment or
Special attachments The attachments
of various poles, frames and equipment for traction are used to modify the beds
to meet various needs of the patient for treatment and
Collect all the supplies which are
likely to be required, place on the stool or bedside table.
Use a damp duster for enamel painted
iron bed and dry one for the varnished bed. Dust mattress and sheets with dry
duster and furniture with damp duster.
When stripping the bed, strip in the
following manner:
Loosen the bedding all around
starting from the head end and proceed to the foot end. Lift the mattress while
loosening it.
up gently, do not pull with force, shake gently and fold the clean linen which
can be used again.
Fold the counterpane or bed spread
twice bringing the top end to the bottom end and then pick up from the center.
Fold the other top clothes the same
Fold the draw sheet in two.
Roll the protective sheet to prevent
creases on it.
Fold the other bottom clothes as top
Place the folded clean linen which
can be used again, over the back of the chair and those, which cannot be used,
again should be thrown in the dirty linen receptacle. Never throw the soiled
linen on the floor to prevent spread of microorganisms.
Turn the mattress top to bottom or
from side to side.
Turn the pillow.
Air the cotton mattress and pillow
to keep them fresh and soft. Most of the dunlop mattresses are smooth on one
side only.
When the patient is incontinent or
has profuse drainage, use protective sheet under the patient.
Two nurses should work together to
make the bed for helpless patient opposite to one another or at each side of
the bed.
Modify the bed according to the
weather, needs and habits of the patient.
When tucking the bed linen under the
mattress, pull the sheets with both hands and the palms face down in order to
protect your knuckles from bed springs.
Never discard woolen blankets in the
receptacle along with the soiled clothes. If soiled, treat them separately.
Make the bed firm, smooth and free
of wrinkles.
completing the bed making, arrange the locker, bed and bedside furniture
When making an occupied bed, make
every effort to minimize the discomfort to the patient.
When the patient is in traction, the
bed is made without disturbing the traction weights.
Inspect bed and bedding for vermin
and treat accordingly, if present.
Do not let your uniform touch the
bed and bed linen.
Observe patient' s physical
condition to assess patient' s ability for self care.
Develop relationship ( nurse-patient
) with the patient.
The following are the principles of
bed making which need to be kept in mind while making bed.
Barrier nursing to prevent cross
Clean and comfortable bed to ensure
rest and sleep and prevent complications.
Appropriate body mechanics to
maintain body alignment and prevent fatigue.
Organised functioning to save time,
effort and material.
Keep in mind the nursing principles while
making bed.
Nursing activity
Collect and take the supplies to the
bed side.
Place the supplies on the stools.
Tidy the shelves and move the locker
a little away.
Explain the patient that you are
going to make his or her bed.
Maintain patient' s privacy by using
Wash your hands.
Make the bed as mentioned below
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