Energy : Normal calories according to age, sex and occupation are advised.
Proteins : About 60 - 80g protein is advised.
Fats : Fats stimulate the flow of bile and lubricate the bowel. Fried foods should be avoided.
Carbohydrates : Adequate bulk should be supplied in the form of vegetables and whole fruits which are rich in unabsorbable
Vitamins : B group vitamins help individuals to regulate the bowel function.
Minerals : Acutely ill or bed ridden patients require potassium in the form of vegetable soup and fruit juice
to prevent constipation.
Fluids : A liberal amount of fluids, about 10 glasses per day is advised. Warm fluid taken early morning on an
empty stomach helps people to evacuate the bowel.
Fibre : The intake of dietary fibre should be increased by eating whole cereals and increasing
consumption of fruits and vegetables. The most important factor is the water
holding capacity of the fibre.
Bran may be taken in the first week. It is made more palatable by adding
cooked fruits and vegetables. Oranges, carrots and cabbage fibres hold water
more effectively. Whole grain breads and cereals should be used instead of
refined cereals e.g. whole wheat flour instead of maida.
Foods included are high fibre foods like bran, vegetables, fruits whole
grain bread. Low fibre foods like refined cereals have to be avoided.
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