Design of circular water tanks
Concrete liquid retaining structures
must be impervious. Hence, their design is based on no in cracking in concrete.
Circular pre-stressed liquid retaining structures, are stressed to avoid
tension in concrete.
Pre-stressed concrete liquid
retaining structures require low maintenance and resist seismic forces
Circular pre-stressed concrete tanks
are used in water treatment, water distribution, storm water management, large
industrial tanks, bulk storage tanks and for storing liquefied natural gas
The construction of the circular
tanks is in the following sequence. First, the concrete core is cast and cured.
The surface is prepared by sand or hydro blasting. Next, the circumferential
pre-stressing is applied by strand wrapping machine. Shotcrete is applied to
provide a coat of concrete over the pre-stressing strands.
IS:3370-1967 (1-4) Code of Practice
for Concrete Structures for the Storage of Liquids provides guidelines for the
analysis and design of liquid storage tanks. The four sections of the code are
titled as follows:
Part 1: General Requirement.
Part 2: Reinforced Concrete
Part 3: Pre-stressed Concrete
Part 4: Design Tables.
In IS:3370-1967 (3), the design
requirements for pre-stressed tanks are mentioned. A few of them are:
1. The computed stress in the
concrete and steel, during transfer, handling and construction, and under
working loads, should be within the permissible values as specified in
2. The liquid retaining face should
be checked against cracking with a load factor of 1.2.
3. The ultimate load at failure
should not be less than twice the working load.
4. When the tank is full, there
should be compression in the concrete at all points of at least 0.7 N/mm2.
When the tank is empty, there should not be tensile stress greater than 1.0
N/mm2. Thus, the tank should be analyzed both for the full and empty
5. There should be provisions to
allow for elastic distortion of the structure during pre-stressing. Any
restraint that may lead to the reduction of the pre-stressing force should be
6. The cover requirement is as
follows. The minimum cover to the pre-stressing wires should be 35 mm on the
liquid face. For faces away from the liquid, the cover requirements are as per
The general equations from Eq 1 to Eq
3, would serve well for the design of circular pre-stressed liquid retaining
Determine the area of steel required
per meter height of a circular pre-stressed water tank with an inside diameter
of 18 m and a height of 6 m water pressure. Compute the thickness of concrete
f i = 1034 MPa, f e
= 827 MPa, f ct = -5.17, MPa and n = 10.
Design for the following two cases:
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