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Chapter: Business Science : Customer Relationship Management : Trends in CRM

Data warehousing

A series of analytical tools works with data stored in databases to find patterns and insights for helping managers and employees make better decisions to improve organizational performance.



      Data Warehouse is the extension of database


      Data   warehouse   is   the   main   repository   of   c


      Data in the data warehouse are processed (i.e., EFL) therefore is more integrated and consistent .


      While the information in the database tends to be real-time, the information in the data warehouse can be updated regularly.


      While database focuses on automating the process of collecting and customers information, data warehouse looks more at assisting managers in performing more advanced analysis and thus making better decisions.


What is Data warehousing?


A series of analytical tools works with data stored in databases to find patterns and insights for helping managers and employees make better decisions to improve organizational performance.








      Companies often build enterprise-wide data warehouses, where a central data warehouse serves the entire organization, or they create smaller, decentralized warehouses called data marts.


      A data mart is a subset of a data warehouse in which a summarized or highly focused portion of the customers data is placed in a separate database for a specific population of users.


      For example, a company might develop marketing and sales data marts to deal with customer info.


      A data mart typically focuses on a single subject area or line of business, so it usually can be constructed more rapidly and at lower cost than an enterprise-wide data warehouse.


      However, complexity, costs, and management problems will rise if an organization creates too many data marts.



      Sourcing, Acquisition, Cleanup and Transformation Tools


      The functionality includes:


Removing unwanted data from operational databases


Converting to common data names and definitions


Calculating summaries and derived data


Establishing defaults for missing data


Accommodating source data definition changes


      The data sourcing, cleanup, extract, transformation and migration tools have to deal with some significant issues, as follows:


Database heterogeneity.


Data heterogeneity




      Metadata is data about data that describes the data warehouse.


      It is used for building, maintaining, managing, and using the data warehouse.


      Metadata can be classified into the following:


Technical metadata


Business metadata


Data warehouse operational information such as data history (snapshots, versions), ownership, extract audit trail, usage data


      The non-trivial extraction of novel, implicit, and actionable knowledge from large datasets.


Extremely large datasets


Discovery of the non-obvious


Useful knowledge that can improve processes


Cannot be done manually


      Technology to enable data exploration, data analysis, and data visualization of very large databases at a high level of abstraction, without a specific hypothesis in mind.


      Sophisticated data search capability that uses statistical algorithms to discover patterns and correlations in data.



      Data Mining is a step of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) Process


Data Warehousing


Data Selection


Data Preprocessing


Data Transformation


Data Mining




      Data Mining is sometimes referred to as KDD and DM and KDD tend to be used as synonyms


      Data Mining Evaluation


      Data   Mining   is   Not   …


      Data warehousing


      SQL / Ad Hoc Queries / Reporting


      Software Agents


      Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)


      Data Visualization


      Data Mining Applications




      Customer Life Cycle


The stages in the relationship between a customer and a business


      Key stages in the customer lifecycle


Prospects: people who are not yet customers but are in the target market


Responders: prospects who show an interest in a product or service


Active Customers: people who are currently using the product or service


Former Customers: may be ―bad‖ customers who did incurred high costs



       It‘s important to know life cycle events (e.g. retirement)


      Customer Life Cycle


      What marketers want: Increasing customer revenue and customer profitability






Keeping the customers for a longer period of time


      Solution: Applying data mining


      DM helps to


Determine the behavior surrounding a particular lifecycle event


Find other people in similar life stages and determine which customers are following similar behavior patterns


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Business Science : Customer Relationship Management : Trends in CRM : Data warehousing |

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