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Chapter: 11th Computer Science : Chapter 17 : Computer Ethics and Cyber Security

Computer Ethics and Cyber Security

Internet is a communication media which is easily accessible and open to all.

Computer Ethics and Cyber Security



Internet is a communication media which is easily accessible and open to all. Information Technology is wide spread through computers, mobile phones and internet. There is a lot of scope and possibility for misuse of Information Technology.

Computer systems in general are vulnerable. They play an important role in the daily lives of individuals and businesses. Special care must be taken explicitly in order to ensure that the valuable data do not get into wrong hands. Hence, the data need to be protected.

A cyber-crime is a crime which involves computer and network.This is becoming a growing threat to society and is caused by criminals or irresponsible action of individuals who are exploiting the widespread use of Internet. It presents a major challenge to the ethical use of information technologies. Cyber-crime also poses threats to the integrity, safety and survival of most business systems.

Figure. 17.1 presents the types of cyber-crimes that happen across the world.



Ethicsmeans“What is wrong and What is Right”. It is a set of moral principles that rule the behavior of individuals who use computers. An individual gains knowledge to follow the right behavior, using morals that are also known as ethics. Morals refer to the generally accepted standards of right and wrong in the society. Similarly, in cyber-world, there are certain standards such as

• Do not use pirated software

• Do not use unauthorized user accounts

• Do not steal others’ passwords

• Do not hack

The core issues in computer ethics are based on the scenarios arising from the use of internet such as privacy, publication of copyrighted content, unauthorized distribution of digital content and user interaction with web sites, software and related services.



With the help of internet, world has now become a global village. Internet has been proven to be a boon to individuals as well as various organizations and businesses. e-Commerce is becoming very popular among businesses as it helps them to reach a wide range of customers faster than any other means.

Computer ethics deals with the procedures, values and practices that govern the process of consuming computer technology and its related disciplines without damaging or violating the moral values and beliefs of any individual, organization or entity.




Generally, the following guidelines should be observed by computer users:

1. Honesty: Users should be truthful while using the internet.

2. Confidentiality: Usersshould not share any important information with unauthorized people.

3. Respect: Each user should respect the privacy of other users.

4. Professionalism: Each user should maintain professional conduct.

5. Obey The Law: Users should strictly obey the cyber law in computer usage.

6. Responsibility: Each user should take ownership and responsibility for their actions


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