organization, public or private, large or small, faces internal and external
uncertainties that affect its ability to achieve its objectives. The effect of
uncertainty on an organization's objectives is "risk." Risk
management, commonly known in the business community as enterprise risk
management (ERM), can provide for the structured and explicit consideration of
all forms of uncertainty in making any decision. The overarching principle of
ERM is that it must produce value for the organization. It is the culture,
processes and structures that is directed towards taking advantage of potential
opportunities while managing potential adverse effects.
Corporations face the task of
managing their risk exposures while remaining profitable and competitive at the
same time. Managing risks is not a new challenge, yet it may get overlooked due
to several reasons. The cha lle nges and de mands of conte mporary markets,
customer expectations, regulatory a uthorities, employees and shareholders
present organizations with an interesting array of contradictions.
Risk management can enhance the
environment for identifying and capitalizing on opportunities to create va lue
a nd protect establis hed va lue. Effic ie nt ma nagers who undertake r isk,
use a var iety of r isk management solutions that transcends through
traditional insurance risk transfer products.
The rapidly changing global economy
has created an expanding array of risks to be managed to ensure the viability
and success of an enterprise. Historically, the p ractice of risk management
has been confined to the traditionally insurable risks such as loss from fire,
earthquakes, wind, flood, legal liability and other relatively straightforward
potential causes of loss. Solutions involving the purchase of insurance were
emphasized, with focus on type of coverage, adequacy of limits and cost of risk
transfer. Over the last thirty years, most major corporations have evolved a
much more sophisticated view of risk management, encompassing traditional risk
management concerns and adding new issues arising from the changing internal
and external environments within which they work. Now, it is understood that
every aspect of a company's operational and financial activity contains the
potential for risk that can negatively a nd meaningfully affect the success and
viability of the organization.
Risk basically refers to the
variations in the outcomes that could occur over a specified period in a given
situation. If only one outcome is possible, the variation and hence the risk is
zero. If many outcomes are possible, the risk is not zero. The greater the
variation, the greater the risk.
Risk may also be defined as the
possibility that an event will occ ur and adversely affect the achievement of
the Company's objectives and goals. A business risk is the threat that an event
or action will adversely affect an organization‘s ability to achieve its
business objectives/targets. Business risk arises as much from Risk Management
and Internal Control 199 possibility
that opportunities will not be realized as much from the fact that certain
threats could well materialize and that errors could well be made.
Risks may be broadly classified under the following heads:
(a) Industry &
Services Risks:
These risks can be broadly
categorized as follows, namely:
® Economic risks such as dependence on
one product, one process, one client, one industry, etc. in the short and long
® Services risks
® Market structure
® Business dynamics
® Competition risks affecting tariffs
prices, costs, revenues and customer preferences
® Customer relations risks
® Reputational risk
Management and Operations Risks:
These risks relate broadly to the
company's organisation and management such as planning, monitoring,
and reporting systems in the day to
day management process namely:
® Risks to Property
® Clear and well defined work
® Changes in Technology/upgradation
® R&D risks
® Agency Network Risks
® Personnel risks such as labour
turnover risks involving replacement risks, training risks, cost risks,
skill r isks etc. There are also
unrest risks due to strikes and lockouts. These risks affect the
company's business and earnings.
® Enviromental and Pollution Control
regulations, etc.
® Locational benefits near metros,
railway stations, ports, cities, etc.
Market Risks:
These risks relate to market
conditions namely:
® Raw material rates
® Quantities, quality, suppliers, lead
time, interest rates risks and forex risks namely, fluctuation risks and interest
rate risk in respect of foreign exchange
(d) Political Risks:
These risks relate to political
uncertainties namely:
® Elections
® War risks
® Country/Area risks
® Insurance risks like fire, strikes,
riots and civil commotion, marine risks, cargo risks, etc.
® Fiscal/Monetary Policy Risks
including Taxation risks.
(e) Credit Risks:
These risks relate to commercial
operations namely:
® Creditworthiness risks
® Risks in settlement of dues by
® Provisions for doubtful and bad
Liquidity Risks:
These are financial risk factors
® Financial solvency and liquidity
® Borrowing limits, delays
® Cash/Reserve management risks
® Tax risks.
Disaster Risks:
These risks relate to disasters from
following factors:
® Natural risks like fires, floods,
earthquakes, etc.
® Man-made risks arising under the
Factories Act, Mines Act, etc.
® Risk of failure of effective
Disaster Management plans formulated by the company.
Systems Risks:
These risks relate to the company's
systems namely:
® System capacities
® System reliability
® Obsolescence risks
® Data Integrity risks
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