Comparision of Asia and Europe - Geography
1. It is the largest continent, both by area and
2. It extends from 10° 11’ S to 81° 12’ N
latitudes. That is, from the equatorial region to the polar region.
3. It is located on the eastern hemisphere
4. The Bering Strait separates Asia and North
5. The Arabian, Indo China, India and Korea are
the important peninsulas in Asia.
6. The important parallels such as the Equator,
Tropic of Cancer, Arctic Circle pass through it.
7. All kinds of climatic conditions are found
here. It also enjoys the distinctive monsoon type of climate Southern Asia
receives summer rainfall.
8. Both hot and cold deserts are located here.
9. It has a variety of mineral deposits .
10. Plantation crops such as tea, rubber and dates
are largely cultivated in Asia.
11. A majority of people in Asia are involved in
primary activities.
1. It is the smallest continent by area and the
most developed.
2. It extends from 34° 51’ N to 81° 47’N
latitudes. That is, from the sub-tropical region to the polar region.
3. It is located at the centre of the earth.
4. The Strait of Gibraltar separates Europe from
5. The Scandinavian, Iberian, Italian and Balkan
are the important peninsulas in Europe.
6. Only the Arctic Circle passes through it.
7. It lies largely in the temperate zone. It
enjoys the distinctive Mediterranean type of climate. Southern Europe receives
winter rainfall.
8. There are no deserts here.
9. Mineral resources are limited, except for coal
& iron.
10. Citrus fruits, olives and grapes are
cultivated mostly in Asia.
11. A majority of people in Europe are involved in
secondary and tertiary activities.
• Asia is the largest and the most populous
continent in the world. It is divided into five physical divisions.
• From the equator to the poles, all types of
climate are found in Asia.
• The treeless polar region to dense equatorial
forest are found in Asia.
• Iron ore, coal, petroleum, Bauxite, mica, tin,
zinc etc. are the chief minerals found in Asia.
• Rice, wheat, sugarcane, jute, cotton, tea,
coffee and dates are the important crops.
• Asia is the birthplace of all religions.
• Europe is the sixth largest continent. It is
divided into four physical divisions.
• The European rivers play a Vital role to the
country economy.
• Europe experiences a cool temperate climate.
• Mixed farming is the most widely practised type
of agriculture in Europe.
• Coal and Iron ore are a cheap minerals found in
• Christianity is the major religion in Europe.
• Beverage – a drink other than water
• Perennial – Continuing throughout the entire
• Monsoon wind – The seasonal wind of the Indian
• Tundra – A vast, flat, treeless Arctic
• Riverine – Situated beside a river
• Staple food – food that makes up the dominant
part of people’s diet
• Irrigation – The artificial application of water
to land
• Husbandry – The care, cultivation and breeding
of crops and animals
• Viticulture – The cultivation of grapevines
• Steppes – a large area of flat unforested
grassland in Siberia.
• Polder – A piece of low lying land reclaimed
from the sea
• Race – a group of people who have similarities
in biological traits.
• Horticulture – the art of garden cultivation and
management (vegetables, fruits and flowers)
1. Douglas L. Johnson, Viola Haarmann, Merril L.
Johnson, David L. Clawson (2012), World Regional Geography, A Development
Approach, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi,India.
2. JohnCole, (2010), Geography, of the world’s
Major Regions, Routledge, London.
3. Majid Husain (2017), Indian and world Geography
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
Web Links
1. https://www.whatarethe
2. www.natural history on the
4. www.internetgeographynet
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