Classes of drug receptors
Drug receptors are mostly
proteins. Most of these fall into one of the following categories:
• Enzymes
• Ion channels:
– Ligand-gated channels: Ion channels that open
upon binding of a mediator
– Voltage-gated channels: Ion
channels that are not normally controlled by ligand binding but by changes to
the membrane potential
• `Metabolic' receptors – hormone and
neurotransmitter receptors that are coupled to biochemical secondary messengers
and effector mechanisms. Most metabolic receptors that are drug targets belong
to the family of G protein-coupled receptors.
• Cytoskeletal proteins that are involved in cell
motility – e.g., actin or tubulin.
Drug target sites that are
not proteins include:
• DNA: This is very common with cytotoxic drugs
used in cancer therapy, e.g. alkylating agents. These are generally of very
poor selectivity and therefore highly toxic. This degree of toxicity is only
acceptable in the treatment of life-threatening diseases such as cancer.
• RNA: Although not yet important in clinical
practice, antisense oligonucleotides are a very important top-ic in
experimental drug development. These are short, synthetic sequences of DNA (or
modified versions of DNA), designed to bind to and inactivate RNA tran-scribed
from specific genes. While this is a theoretical-ly extremely elegant and
versatile approach, it has so far remained largely experimental, despite
considerable ef-forts in the last 10-15 years.
• Membranes: Inhalation anaesthetics (diethylether,
chlo-roform, and their more modern replacements). The mode of action of these
was enshrouded in mystery for a long time, but accumulating evidence now
supports di-rect interaction with several ion channels. Nevertheless, there is
a remarkably close correlation between the abil-ity of these agents to
partition into lipid membranes, as measured by their oil-water partition
coefficients, and their narcotic activity; so, in a sense, cell membranes may
be considered the targets of these agents.
• Fluid compartments: Osmotically active solutes.
These are in fact the only clear exceptions I can think of to the principle
that a drug has to bind before acting. Applica-tions include:
– Plasma volume expanders. If
blood is lost during trauma, the loss of volume is more immediately threatening
than the loss of red blood cells. Replace-ment with salt solutions does not
work well because small solutes get rapidly filtrated into the intersti-tial
fluid compartment. Only macromolecules are retained in the intravascular space
and can prevent filtration of the diluted plasma due to their osmot-ic
activity. Commonly used plasma expanders are metabolically inert
polysaccharides such as dextran and hydroxyethyl-starch.
– Osmotically acting diuretic
agents. These are ap-plied in the treatment of intoxication in order to
in-crease the urine volume and accelerate elimination of the poison (`forced
diuresis'). The classical ex-ample is mannitol. This sugar is quite similar to
glu-cose in structure but does not get metabolized nor re-absorbed from the
primary glomerular filtrate in the kidneys.
– Laxatives. Example: Sodium sulfate; effective
but obsolete.
However, again, most drugs
act directly on receptors that are proteins, and for the rest of this chapter
we will deal with this major case only.
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