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Chapter: 11th Computer Science : Chapter 9 : Introduction to C++

C++ Data Types, Variables and Expressions: Points to Remember

Computer Science : Introduction to C++ : C++ Data Types, Variables and Expressions: Points to Remember

Points to Remember:


Every programming language has two fundamental elements, viz., data types and variables.


In C++, the data types are classified as three main categories (1) Built-in data types (2) User-defined data types (3) Derived data types.


The variables are the named space to hold values of certain data type.


There are five fundamental data types in C++: char, int, float, double and void.


C++ compiler allocates specific memory space for each and every data handled according to the compiler’s standards.


Variables are user-defined names assigned to a memory location in which the values are stored.


Declaration is a process to instruct the compiler to allocate memory as per the type specified along with the variable name.


Manipulators are used to format output of any C++ program. Manipulators are functions specifically designed to use with the insertion (<<) and extraction(>>) operators.


An expression is a combination of operators, constants and variables arranged as per the rules of C++.


The process of converting one fundamental type into another is called as “Type Conversion”. C++ provides two types of conversions (1) Implicit type conversion and (2) Explicit type conversion.


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