Biowaste to ethanol
Around half of the total dry matter in plant origin biomass is
cellulose, and since this makes up the majority of the biowaste component in
MSW, it rep-resents a huge potential source of renewable energy. As is widely
appreciated, sugars can be broken down by certain micro-organisms to produce
alcohols, of which ethanol (C2H5OH) is the most common. This is, of course, a
well-known application for the production of alcoholic beverages across the
world, typically using fermentative yeasts. These organisms are poisoned by
ethanol accumulation greater than about 10% which means that, in order to
derive higher concentra-tions, approaches relying on distillation or
fractionating are required. In a wider context, ethanol, either as the typical
hydrated form (95% ethanol, 5% water) or as azeotropically produced anhydrate,
makes a good fuel with excellent general combustion properties.
Historically, the
realisation of the huge energy source locked up in the sugars of the cellulose
molecule has always been a practical impossibility. The combi-nation of the β 1 – 4 linkage in cellulose itself, coupled
with its typically close association with lignin, making large-scale hydrolysis
to sugars a costly and difficult prospect. Some early attempts employed enzymes
from wood-rotting fungi working on a feedstock of old newspapers or pulp,
though the energy involved in actually making the process work often became a
limiting factor. In the mid-1990s, various researchers began to investigate the
potential of genet-ically modified bacteria, by inserting appropriate sequences
from a variety of naturally occurring wood-rotting organisms. In the following
years, a number of technologies have emerged, based both on whole-organism and
isolated-enzyme techniques, and the commercial processing of cellulose to
alcohol now appears to be about to become a mainstream reality.
A number of countries have
begun to show an interest in the potential gains to be had from developing a
biowaste-based ethanol industry. Within the USA, many individual states have
started to undertake feasibility studies for their own areas. A recent
California Energy Commission Report, for example, has estab-lished that the
state-wide annual generation of biowaste exceeds 51 million dry tonnes,
comprising forestry residue, MSW and agricultural waste. The same doc-ument
estimates the resultant maximum ethanol yield at more than 3 billion gallons
There are several thriving
biomass-to-ethanol production plants elsewhere in the USA and the world, though
most of these make their alcohol from primary crop plants, rather than
biowaste. As with biogas, further discussion of the wider aspects of ethanol
and the role of biotechnology in energy production appears in a later.
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