Biologically important proteins
is a tripeptide containing glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. It is present
in erythrocytes and several other tissues. It acts as a coenzyme and protects
haemoglobin against oxidation.
and glucagon are pancreatic hormones, involved in the regulation of glucose
is a peptide which stimulates the release of certain hormones from adrenal
is a connective tissue protein rich in proline and hydroxy proline.
Plasma consists of many proteins such as
albumin, globulin and fibrinogen. Total protein of the plasma is about 6-8gm
/100ml. Plasma proteins comprise a major part of the solids of plasma. Albumin
combine with substances of low solubilities such as cholesterol,
triacylglycerol to form more soluble complexes, which can be transported in an
aqueous environment of the body fluids.
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