Assessment Techniques
Inspection: It means looking with eyes it reveals any rush scar,
colour, size, shape, contour and symmetry of the body parts.
Palpation: It means feeling using sense of touch. It reveals any
swelling, coldness, hotness, stiffness, hardness, smoothness roughness, pain,
vibration, firmness and flaccidity
Percussion: It means striking or tapping with fingers. It
elicits sounds which indicate whether the underlined tissue is solid or filled
with fluid.
Resonant: A loud sound over the normal lung tissue
Tympanic: A drum like sound over the air filled tissues such as
gastric air bubble
Dull: A medium pitched sound with medium duration without
resonance, heard over the solid tissues, such as heart, liver.
d) Flat: A pitched sound
with short duration without resonance, heard over the complete solid tissues,
such as bones.
Auscultation: It means listen with stethoscope (or) placing the
ear against the body. It reveals sounds produced within the body and the blood
vessels such as heart beat, bowel sounds
Manipulation: It means moving with the body parts. It reveals
rigidity, difficulty (or) discomfort in moving the body parts.
Reflex testing: Means automatic response to a given stimulus. It
reveals reflex is present, or not present, strength and movements of hands and
Olfaction: It means sense of smell (Odour). It reveals the
nature of disease condition of the patient.
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