Application of Z - transform to Difference equations
As we know, the Laplace transforms method is quite effective in solving linear differential equations, the Z - transform is useful tool in solving linear difference equations.
To solve a difference equation, we have to take the Z - transform of both sides of the difference equation using the property
Z{fn+k}= zk{ F(z) –f0 –(f 1 / z ) - … - ( fk-1 / zk-1) } (k > 0)
Using the initial conditions, we get an algebraic equation of the form F(z) = f(z).
By taking the inverse Z-transform, we get the required solution fn of the given difference equation.
Exmaple 19
Solve the difference equation yn+1 + yn = 1, y0 = 0, by Z - transform method.
Given equation is yn+1 + yn = 1 ---------- (1)
Let Y(z) be the Z -transform of {yn}.
Taking the Z - transforms of both sides of (1), we get
Z{yn+1} + Z{yn} = Z{1}.
ie, z {Y(z) - y0} + Y(z) = z /(z-1).
Using the given condition, it reduces to
On taking inverse Z-transforms, we obtain
yn = (1/2){1 - (-1)n}
Example 20
Solve yn+2 + yn = 1, y0 = y1 = 0 , using Z-transforms.
Consider yn+2 + yn = 1 ------------- (1)
Taking Z- transforms on both sides, we get
Z{yn+2}+ Z{yn} = Z{1}
Using Inverse Z-transform, we get
yn =(½){1 - cos (np/ 2) - sin (np/ 2)}.
Example 21
Solve yn+2 + 6yn+1 + 9yn = 2n, y0 = y1 = 0, using Z-transforms.
Consider yn+2 + 6yn+1 + 9yn = 2n -------- (1)
Taking the Z-transform of both sides, we get
Z{yn+2} + 6Z{yn+1} + 9Z{yn} = Z {2n}
On taking Inverse Z-transforms, we get
yn = (1/ 25){ 2n - (-3)n + (5/3) n (-3)n}.
Example 22
Solve the simultaneous equations
xn+1 - yn = 1; yn+1 - xn = 1 with x (0) = 0; y (0) = 0.
The given equations are
xn+1 - yn = 1, x0 = 0
yn+1 - xn =1,
y0 = 0 -------------- (2)
Taking Z-transforms, we get
On taking the inverse Z-transform of both sides, we have xn = n and yn = n , which is the required solution of the simultaneous difference equations.
Example 23
Solve xn+1 = 7xn + 10yn ; yn+1 = xn + 4yn, with x0 = 3, y0 = 2
xn+1 = 7xn + 10yn------------- (1)
yn+1 = xn + 4yn------------- (2)
Taking Z- transforms of equation(1), we get
z { X(z) - x0} = 7 X(z) + 10 Y(z)
(z - 7) X(z) –10 Y(z) = 3z ----------(3)
Again taking Z- transforms of equation(2), we get
z {Y(z) - y0} = X(z) + 4Y(z)
-X(z) + (z - 4)Y(z) = 2z ---------- (4)
Eliminating „x‟ from (3) & (4), we get
Taking Inverse Z-transforms, we get
yn = 9n + 2n.
From (2), xn = yn+1 - 4yn = 9n+1 + 2n+1 - 4 (9n + 2n)
= 9.9n + 2.2n - 4.9n - 4.2n
Therfore, xn = 5.9n - 2.2n
Hence the solution is xn = 5.9n - 2.2n and yn = 9n + 2n.
Solve the following difference equations by Z –transform method
1. yn+2 + 2yn+1 + yn = n, y0 = y1 = 0
2. yn+2 –yn = 2n, y0 = 0, y1 = 1
3. un+2 –2cosaun+1+ un=0, u0 = 1, u1 = cosa
4. un+2 = un+1 + un, u0 = 0, u1 = 1
5. yn+2 –5yn+1+ 6yn = n (n-1), y0 = 0, y1 = 0
6. yn+3 –6yn+2 + 12yn+1 –8yn = 0, y0 = -1, y1 = 0, y2 = 1
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