Forms of Government
V. Answers the
1. List out the types of
1. Written constitution
2 .Unwritten constitution
3. Rigid constitution.
4. Flexible constitution.
5. Federal constitution
6. Unitary constitution
2. What are the merits of a
federal government?
• Reconciliation of local autonomy with national unity
• Division of power between centre and states leads to
administrative efficiency
• It gives rise to big states
• Distribution of powers checks the despotism of central
• More suitable for bigger countries
• It is good for economic and cultural progress
3. Write down the differences
between unitary form of government and federal form of government.
Unitary Form of
1. Only one level of government or subunits
2. Mostly single citizenship
3. Sub units cannot operate independently
4. No division of power
5. Centralisation of power
Federal Form of
1. Two levels of government
2. Dual citizenship
3. Federal units are answerable to Central government
4. Division of power
5. Decentralisation of power
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