6. Distinguish between nitrogenous base and a base found in inorganic chemistry.
Nitrogenous base
Organic molecule containing Nitrogen and has some chemical properties of a
Nitrogen is an odourless, colourless & tasteless gas so reacts easily with
other elements
This reactivity makes it an important part in compounds necessary for life
2 types
|→ Adenine
|→ Guanine
|→ Thyamine
|→ uracil
Chemistry of nitrogenuous bases is key in the functioning of DNA (allows
complementary base pairing)
Base in inorganic chemistry
base is a substance they are metal oxides or hydroxides. Base is also a
substance that can donate pair of electrons to other elements to form new
Characters of a base
Base is soapy or slimpy substance bitter in taste
React with acid-precipitate to form salts
Turn red litmus to blue
7. What are the factors affecting the rate of enzyme reaction?
being bio-molecules sensitive to environmental condition
(i) Temperature
Heating increases molecular motion-quicken enzyme reaction
Optimum temperature is the
temperature that promote maximum activity
(ii) pH
Change in the pH– leads to an alteration of enzyme shape (active
Extremes of pH– denatures enzymes
Optimum pH– is that at
which the maximum rate of reaction occurs
(iii) Substrate concentration
a given enzyme concentration, the rate of reaction increase with increasing
substrate concentration
(iv) Enzyme concentration
rate of reaction is directly proportional to enzyme concentration
8. Briefly outline the classification of enzymes
Classification of enzymes
are classified into six groups based on their mode of action.
9. Write the characteristic feature of DNA
Double stranded-anti parallel 5'-3'-one strand,3'-5'-another strand .
5'-end has phosphate group
has ‘OH’ group
The two sugars protrude from the base pair is
|→ 120° for narrow angle
|→ 240° for wide angle
A complete turn of helix at 360° has
10 bases the single turn distance 3.4 nm so each base has 0.34nm this was proved by x-ray
crystallography study of DNA
The width of DNA is 20° & a pitch of about 34 Ǻ
Thermodynamic stability of double helix
& specificity of base pairs is due to
Hydrogenbonds between complementary bases
Stacking interaction between bases is perpendicular to the direction of helical
Electron cloud interactions (II-II) between bases in a helical stacks
Phospho diester linkages
It give polarity
It form strong covalent bonds
It gives strength and stability to the polynucleotide chain
• Plectonemic chain:
the two strands are wrapped around each in a helix impossible to move them
• Paranemic coiling:
strands lie along side easier to pull apart
3-(based on the helix and distance between each turns)
10. Explain the structure and function of different types of RNA
I. mRNA (messenger RNA)
single stranded
carries a copy of instructions to carryout amino acid assembling & protein
5% of total RNA
In Prokaryotes - it is (polycistronic) carrying coding sequence
for many polypeptides
In Eukaryotes - (monocistronic) contain information for
only one polypeptide
II. tRNA (transfer RNA)
single stranded clover shaped with 4 arms highly folded -3 D structure
translates the code from mRNA and
transfers amino acid to ribosomes (to built proteins)
unstable (also known soluble RNA)
15% of total RNA
III r RNA (ribosomal RNA)
single stranded
make up the 2 sub units of ribosomes
metabolically stable
80% total RNA
A polymer with varied length from 120 - 3000 nucleotides & give ribosomes
their shape
Genes of rRNA employed for phylogenetic studies
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