Altitude Compensating Nozzle (ACN)
The primary objective
of the ACN project is to advance the technology readiness level (TRL) of the
dual-bell rocket nozzle through flight testing and research. This nozzle is
predicted to outperform the conventional bell rocket nozzle, which is inefficient
at any altitude other than its design altitude. With a distinct dual-bell
shape, this nozzle can be optimized
for both low and high
altitudes. As a result, the nozzle plume is never significantly over- or
under-expanded, yielding a higher propulsive efficiency. When considering a
rocket's performance over its entire integrated trajectory, the dual-bell
nozzle is predicted to achieve a higher total impulse, allowing for the
delivery of greater mass payloads to low Earth orbit (LEO). The current effort
is focused on preparing for dual-bell rocket nozzle operation during
captive-carried flight with a NASA F-15, enabling the performance benefits with
the dual-bell rocket nozzle to be quantified in a relevant flight environment.
Work to date: Progress to date has primarily focused on: (1)
the development of the conceptual design, including integration
with the F-15 flight testbed; (2) the construction of a concept of operations
plan; and (3) an initial definition of all top-level objectives and
Looking ahead: An ambitious 5-year
plan includes a framework for design, analysis, ground testing, and
flight testing.
NASA Partner: Marshall Space Flight Center
Economical: The
dual-bell nozzle is predicted to increase the delivery of payload mass to
LEO by up to 5 percent, and may reduce the cost of delivering payloads to LEO.
Increased rocket engine structural integrity: Low-altitude
nozzle flow will not be significantly over-expanded, which may lead
to increased uniformity, symmetry, and stability of the nozzle plume flow
Hypersonics and Space Technologies
Akey objective of hypersonic research at NASA is to develop
methods and tools that adequately model fundamental physics and allow credible
physics-based optimization for future operational hypersonic vehicle systems.
Research focuses on solving some of the most difficult challenges in hypersonic
flight, and Armstrong innovators are contributing to this research in several
- Exploring adaptive guidance
systems that could detect conditions likely to result in dangerous situations
and automate compensating maneuvers
- Modeling high-altitude
environments to improve flight planning designs for high-speed vehicles
- Designing high-temperature
insulative and advanced composite materials
This research will enable the development of highly reliable and
efficient hypersonic systems.
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