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Chapter: Fundamentals of Database Systems : Database Design Theory and Normalization : Relational Database Design Algorithms and Further Dependencies

Algorithms for Relational Database Schema Design

1. Dependency-Preserving Decomposition into 3NF Schemas 2. Nonadditive Join Decomposition into BCNF Schemas 3. Dependency-Preserving and Nonadditive (Lossless) Join Decomposition into 3NF Schemas

Algorithms for Relational Database Schema Design


We now give three algorithms for creating a relational decomposition from a uni-versal relation. Each algorithm has specific properties, as we discuss next.


1. Dependency-Preserving Decomposition into 3NF Schemas


Algorithm 16.4 creates a dependency-preserving decomposition D = {R1, R2, ..., Rm} of a universal relation R based on a set of functional dependencies F, such that each Ri in D is in 3NF. It guarantees only the dependency-preserving property; it does not guarantee the nonadditive join property. The first step of Algorithm 16.4 is to find a minimal cover G for F; Algorithm 16.2 can be used for this step. Note that multiple minimal covers may exist for a given set F (as we illustrate later in the example after Algorithm 16.4). In such cases the algorithms can potentially yield multiple alternative designs.


Algorithm 16.4. Relational Synthesis into 3NF with Dependency Preservation


Input: A universal relation R and a set of functional dependencies F on the attributes of R.


        Find a minimal cover G for F (use Algorithm 16.2);


        For each left-hand-side X of a functional dependency that appears in G, cre-ate a relation schema in D with attributes {X {A1} {A2} ... {Ak} }, where X A1, X A2, ..., X Ak are the only dependencies in G with X as the left-hand-side (X is the key of this relation);


        Place any remaining attributes (that have not been placed in any relation) in a single relation schema to ensure the attribute preservation property.


Example of Algorithm 16.4. Consider the following universal relation:


U(Emp_ssn, Pno, Esal, Ephone, Dno, Pname, Plocation)


Emp_ssn, Esal, Ephone refer to the Social Security number, salary, and phone number of the employee. Pno, Pname, and Plocation refer to the number, name, and location of the project. Dno is department number.


The following dependencies are present:


FD1: Emp_ssn {Esal, Ephone, Dno}

FD2: Pno { Pname, Plocation}

FD3: Emp_ssn, Pno {Esal, Ephone, Dno, Pname, Plocation}


By virtue of FD3, the attribute set {Emp_ssn, Pno} represents a key of the universal relation. Hence F, the set of given FDs includes {Emp_ssn Esal, Ephone, Dno;


Pno → Pname, Plocation; Emp_ssn, Pno → Esal, Ephone, Dno, Pname, Plocation}.


By applying the minimal cover Algorithm 16.2, in step 3 we see that Pno is a redun-dant attribute in Emp_ssn, Pno Esal, Ephone, Dno. Moreover, Emp_ssn is redun-dant in Emp_ssn, Pno Pname, Plocation. Hence the minimal cover consists of FD1 and FD2 only (FD3 being completely redundant) as follows (if we group attributes with the same left-hand side into one FD):


Minimal cover G: {Emp_ssn Esal, Ephone, Dno; Pno Pname, Plocation}

By applying Algorithm 16.4 to the above Minimal cover G, we get a 3NF design con-sisting of two relations with keys Emp_ssn and Pno as follows:


R1 (Emp_ssn, Esal, Ephone, Dno)

R2 (Pno, Pname, Plocation)


An observant reader would notice easily that these two relations have lost the original information contained in the key of the universal relation U (namely, that there are certain employees working on certain projects in a many-to-many relationship). Thus, while the algorithm does preserve the original dependencies, it makes no guarantee of preserving all of the information. Hence, the resulting design is a lossy design.


Claim 3. Every relation schema created by Algorithm 16.4 is in 3NF. (We will not provide a formal proof here;6 the proof depends on G being a minimal set of dependencies.)


It is obvious that all the dependencies in G are preserved by the algorithm because each dependency appears in one of the relations Ri in the decomposition D. Since G is equivalent to F, all the dependencies in F are either preserved directly in the decomposition or are derivable using the inference rules from Section 16.1.1 from those in the resulting relations, thus ensuring the dependency preservation prop-erty. Algorithm 16.4 is called a relational synthesis algorithm, because each relation schema Ri in the decomposition is synthesized (constructed) from the set of functional dependencies in G with the same left-hand-side X.


2. Nonadditive Join Decomposition into BCNF Schemas


The next algorithm decomposes a universal relation schema R = {A1, A2, ..., An} into a decomposition D = {R1, R2, ..., Rm} such that each Ri is in BCNF and the decomposition D has the lossless join property with respect to F. Algorithm 16.5 utilizes Property NJB and Claim 2 (preservation of nonadditivity in successive decompositions) to create a nonadditive join decomposition D = {R1, R2, ..., Rm} of a universal relation R based on a set of functional dependencies F, such that each Ri in D is in BCNF.


Algorithm 16.5. Relational Decomposition into BCNF with Nonadditive Join Property


Input: A universal relation R and a set of functional dependencies F on the attributes of R.


        Set D := {R} ;


        While there is a relation schema Q in D that is not in BCNF do


choose a relation schema Q in D that is not in BCNF;

find a functional dependency X Y in Q that violates BCNF; replace Q in D by two relation schemas (QY) and (X Y);

} ;

Each time through the loop in Algorithm 16.5, we decompose one relation schema Q that is not in BCNF into two relation schemas. According to Property NJB for binary decompositions and Claim 2, the decomposition D has the nonadditive join property. At the end of the algorithm, all relation schemas in D will be in BCNF. The reader can check that the normalization example in Figures 15.12 and 15.13 basi-cally follows this algorithm. The functional dependencies FD3, FD4, and later FD5 violate BCNF, so the LOTS relation is decomposed appropriately into BCNF rela-tions, and the decomposition then satisfies the nonadditive join property. Similarly, if we apply the algorithm to the TEACH relation schema from Figure 15.14, it is decomposed into TEACH1(Instructor, Student) and TEACH2(Instructor, Course) because the dependency FD2 Instructor Course violates BCNF.


In step 2 of Algorithm 16.5, it is necessary to determine whether a relation schema Q is in BCNF or not. One method for doing this is to test, for each functional dependency X Y in Q, whether X+ fails to include all the attributes in Q, thereby determining whether or not X is a (super)key in Q. Another technique is based on an observation that whenever a relation schema Q has a BCNF violation, there exists a pair of attributes A and B in Q such that {Q – {A, B} } A; by computing the closure {Q – {A, B} }+ for each pair of attributes {A, B} of Q, and checking whether the closure includes A (or B), we can determine whether Q is in BCNF.


3. Dependency-Preserving and Nonadditive (Lossless) Join Decomposition into 3NF Schemas


So far, in Algorithm 16.4 we showed how to achieve a 3NF design with the potential for loss of information and in Algorithm 16.5 we showed how to achieve BCNF design with the potential loss of certain functional dependencies. By now we know that it is not possible to have all three of the following: (1) guaranteed nonlossy design, (2) guaranteed dependency preservation, and (3) all relations in BCNF. As we have said before, the first condition is a must and cannot be compromised. The second condition is desirable, but not a must, and may have to be relaxed if we insist on achieving BCNF. Now we give an alternative algorithm where we achieve conditions 1 and 2 and only guarantee 3NF. A simple modification to Algorithm 16.4, shown as Algorithm 16.6, yields a decomposition D of R that does the following:


        Preserves dependencies


        Has the nonadditive join property


        Is such that each resulting relation schema in the decomposition is in 3NF


Because the Algorithm 16.6 achieves both the desirable properties, rather than only functional dependency preservation as guaranteed by Algorithm 16.4, it is preferred over Algorithm 16.4.


Algorithm 16.6. Relational Synthesis into 3NF with Dependency Preservation and Nonadditive Join Property


Input: A universal relation R and a set of functional dependencies F on the attributes of R.

        Find a minimal cover G for F (use Algorithm 16.2).


        For each left-hand-side X of a functional dependency that appears in G, cre-ate a relation schema in D with attributes {X {A1} {A2} ... {Ak} }, where X A1, X A2, ..., X Ak are the only dependencies in G with X as left-hand-side (X is the key of this relation).


        If none of the relation schemas in D contains a key of R, then create one more relation schema in D that contains attributes that form a key of R.7 (Algorithm 16.2(a) may be used to find a key.)


        Eliminate redundant relations from the resulting set of relations in the relational database schema. A relation R is considered redundant if R is a projection of another relation S in the schema; alternately, R is subsumed by S.


Step 3 of Algorithm 16.6 involves identifying a key K of R. Algorithm 16.2(a) can be used to identify a key K of R based on the set of given functional dependencies F. Notice that the set of functional dependencies used to determine a key in Algorithm 16.2(a) could be either F or G, since they are equivalent.


Example 1 of Algorithm 16.6. Let us revisit the example given earlier at the end of Algorithm 16.4. The minimal cover G holds as before. The second step produces relations R1 and R2 as before. However, now in step 3, we will generate a relation corresponding to the key {Emp_ssn, Pno}. Hence, the resulting design contains:


R1 (Emp_ssn , Esal, Ephone, Dno)

R2 (Pno, Pname, Plocation)

R3 (Emp_ssn, Pno)


This design achieves both the desirable properties of dependency preservation and nonadditive join.


Example 2 of Algorithm 16.6 (Case X ). Consider the relation schema LOTS1A shown in Figure 15.13(a). Assume that this relation is given as a universal relation with the following functional dependencies:


FD1: Property_id Lot#, County, Area

FD2: Lot#, County Area, Property_id


FD3: Area County


These were called FD1, FD2, and FD5 in Figure 15.13(a). The meanings of the above attributes and the implication of the above functional dependencies were explained in Section 15.4. For ease of reference, let us abbreviate the above attributes with the first letter for each and represent the functional dependencies as the set


F : { P LCA, LC AP, A C }.


If we apply the minimal cover Algorithm 16.2 to F, (in step 2) we first represent the set F as


F : {P L, P C, P A, LC A, LC P, A C}.


In the set F, P A can be inferred from P LC and LC A; hence P A by tran-sitivity and is therefore redundant. Thus, one possible minimal cover is


Minimal cover GX: {P LC, LC AP, A C }.


In step 2 of Algorithm 16.6 we produce design X (before removing redundant rela-tions) using the above minimal cover as


Design X: R1 (P, L, C), R2 (L, C, A, P), and R3 (A, C).

In step 4 of the algorithm, we find that R3 is subsumed by R2 (that is, R3 is always a projection of R2 and R1 is a projection of R2 as well. Hence both of those relations are redundant. Thus the 3NF schema that achieves both of the desirable properties is (after removing redundant relations)


Design X: R2 (L, C, A, P).


or, in other words it is identical to the relation LOTS1A (Lot#, County, Area, Property_id) that we had determined to be in 3NF in Section 15.4.2.


Example 2 of Algorithm 16.6 (Case Y ). Starting with LOTS1A as the universal relation and with the same given set of functional dependencies, the second step of the minimal cover Algorithm 16.2 produces, as before


F: {P C, P A, P L, LC A, LC P, A C}.


The FD LC A may be considered redundant because LC P and P A implies LC → A by transitivity. Also, P → C may be considered to be redundant because P → A and A → C implies P → C by transitivity. This gives a different minimal cover as


Minimal cover GY: { P LA, LC P, A C }.


The alternative design Y produced by the algorithm now is


Design Y: S1 (P, A, L), S2 (L, C, P), and S3 (A, C).


Note that this design has three 3NF relations, none of which can be considered as redundant by the condition in step 4. All FDs in the original set F are preserved. The reader will notice that out of the above three relations, relations S1 and S3 were pro-duced as the BCNF design by the procedure given in Section 15.5 (implying that S2 is redundant in the presence of S1 and S3). However, we cannot eliminate relation S2 from the set of three 3NF relations above since it is not a projection of either S1 or S3. Design Y therefore remains as one possible final result of applying Algorithm 16.6 to the given universal relation that provides relations in 3NF.


It is important to note that the theory of nonadditive join decompositions is based on the assumption that no NULL values are allowed for the join attributes. The next section discusses some of the problems that NULLs may cause in relational decom-positions and provides a general discussion of the algorithms for relational design by synthesis presented in this section.

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