A systems approach for
maintenance and renewal efficiency
Facing a
competitive environment production utilities are forced to rethink their
maintenance strategies. Since the deregulation of the Swedish electrical
market in 1996 energy sales have become a competitive market, while
distribution and transmission became natural monopolies. For electric
production companies the income is a result of the prices for electricity set
by supply and demand. The hourly margin cost sets the price for the whole
market. Before the change the
was essentially the sum of cost of utilities and a reasonable profit: Tariff=
Cost + Profit. Under the new regulation the tariff is determined independently
of the cost of utilities. Hence, the profit is what is left when utilities
costs are subtracted: Profit=Tariff−Costs.
utilities earnings is the difference between incomes andcosts, the incomes can
be increased by selling more power orby raising prices. To sell more power new
investments must be made, either by purchasing other utilities or by building
more power production facilities. But even if this approach is adopted the new
investments must be maintained as effectively as possible. To increase the
price of electricity is beyond the control of a utility. This means that a
utility must
be as cost effective as possible
to survive on a deregulated power market.
effectiveness means minimizing costs and in the same time still live up to the
demand of reliability from costumers and regulatory. In this paper we divide
costs into cost of failure, cost of preventive maintenance and capital costs.
To reduce costs by making new
investments to reduce capital costs. A manager has to face the fact that he has
to manage the assets he is responsible for; he can make new investments just to
meet the d of today. The question is what will happen in a long-term
perspective of e.g. 25 years? What will the be and what condition will the
technical system be in?
Asset management is the ability
to model and compare
maintenance and capital options with the goal, to find the overall most cost
effective solu provide the required capability over time. Asset management is
how to exploit the asset most profitab Maintenance in general consists of
preventive and corrective maintenance. Preventive maintenance is at planned
intervals, while corrective maintenance is carried out at the time of equipment
Three approaches to maintenance
are well established at present :
Based Maintenance (TBM) Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
Reliability Centred Maintenance
manager’s intention is to run the equipment as much as possible
without costly breakdowns. T way to increase earning in
a short-term perspective is to cut down on maintenance and postpone rene
Because of the long operative lifetime of many components, often 50 to 100
years, and the inherent re such an approach will in most cases be successful.
However, in a long-term perspective this might not effective. It is also
neither of these maintenance approaches alone can be used as decision-making
tools for a m when making decisions about long-term asset management. Aspects
like short-term and long-term co condition and risk can’t
dealt with using these approaches. As stated earlier a manager must minim
present value of the costs for failures, preventive maintenance and capital
costs. When managing asse operative lifetime we propose that maintenance
management on technical systems are divided this int condition, and total
interpretation regards only physical assets and does not include issues like
organization, operatio etc.What we want to point out with out definition of
maintenance management is that in order to beco both long and short term
effects of different maintenance strategies it is not enough to cover one or tw
parts, all three must be included in an analysis. Today there is no general
methodology that can cope complex issue. In this work a case study based
evaluation of a methodology.
TBM is
based on preventive maintenance and is carried out at regular time intervals
suggested by the manufacturer. CBM is a method that tries to find the most
efficient intervals between preventive main checks and measures. This method
requires additional equipment to monitor the condition. RCM focu on the
physical assets of the company and the functions they fulfil. It considers how
assets could fail t their required function and what decisions must be taken
when any reduction in performance takes pla method seeks to establish failure
modes and the consequences of failure .
set up to
handle this complex issues is carried out. The methodology was applied on a
feed water pum Forsmark nuclear power plant. The object of this study is to
examine pros and cons and use the result
methodology. Detail vs. scope. When working with the proposed methodology one
important issu is the approach for the study. In order for a study
to be possible to carry out,a system can’t be divided
e.g. nuts and bolts. On the other hand, it is also very difficult to use too
large systems an components. The idea of this methodology is to make a top to
bottom analysis and divide a large syste components. Large systems can be
e.g.generators, section of distribution or transmission grids,refiner
transformers etc. These large systems consist of components selected by experts
that together represen condition of the system. This means that in this study
we call the lowest level where we collect data
In this
study the methodology has been applied to feed water pump system at Forsmark
nuclear plant. This system was chosen because of three aspects: importance for
production, access to data and system construction. These factors are
described in greater detail
System construction
feedwater pumps are built with relatively few inputs and it is relatively easy
to measure different values. Also, the three pumps together formed the system
we applied the methodology on. Since only two pumps are needed in order for the
system to function it was also possible to test the methodology on a system
with redundancy
Many technical systems, the production, distribution and power
industry often have redundant systems, so in order to make this validation of the
methodology a fairly simple system analysis will show strengths and weaknesses.
The highest level of system consists of three feedwater pumps.
Each one of them is divided into four subsystems,centrifugal pump, motor, oil
system and gearbox. These four subsystems are then divided into a number of
components. In this study we choose only to use the components representing the
centrifugal pump. These are, oil pressure, axial bearing oil pressure, axial
bearings 1 and 2 temperature, radial bearings 1 and 2 temperature and axial
bearing 1 and 2 cooling water temperature. The maintenance personnel at
Forsmark nuclear plant have chosen these components.
The results from this study consist of a
presentation of each part in the asset management methodology, risk,
condition,and costs. These results are then combined and presented in a wider
context in an effort to make a systems approach on maintenance and renewals
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