1. Have an inspiring OPENING and ENDING.
2. Appropriate(suitable)TONE of VOICE. (e.g.) sincere for a serious issue, humour for comedy etc
3. Adapt speech for PURPOSE and AUDIENCE. (e.g.) teenagers, mixed audience, teachers, children etc
4. Organise IDEAS logically and do not confuse the audience.
5. Use EMOTIVE language to CONVINCE your audience that what you are saying should be listened to.
(e.g.) Even if they put us in chains, torture us and leave us to bleed we will not move. Blood will be our victory!
6. Use RHETORICAL QUESTIONS – asking a question for persuasive effect with out expecting are play (because the answer is obvious) Eg: Was he not a good man? (knowing that the audience agree anyway)
7. Make sure you are writing in the CORRECT PERSON
(e.g.) I believe that … I knew him well …
8. Use interesting facts and figures (e.g.) 200000 people… with diagrams or charts to help your audience visualize it.
1) Opening :- Good morning dear members,
2) Purpose :- I am very glad to welcome you to the first annual meeting of our English literary association.
3) Audience :- You would be pleased to know that several award winning authors would visit our place to deliver lectures on the importance of English language learning, its usage, and application to the modern world on this auspicious occasion.
4) Language - Some Good Describing Words (Adverbs and Adjectives), Emotive Words, Imagery etc. :- I stand before you all to address the aim of this association that is why we should leam English in this technological advanced world. English is the window to the world. It is spoken in nook and comer of this world. It is spoken by more than 750 million people in the world. So it plays an important role in our life. With the learning of English, we can communicate with people around the world. So we must leam it with full spirit.
5) Ending :- Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Let’s us all unite together to achieve our association’s aim.
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