Women Entrepreneurs - Opportunities and Challenges
Women entrepreneurship has been getting growing
recognition over the past two decades across the world. Women entrepreneurs not
only generate new jobs for themselves but also for others. They provide society
with different solutions to management, organisation and business problems.
Women owned businesses are playing a pivotal role in the upsurge of
entrepreneurial activity in the United States. It is reported that the highest
number of self employed women are in Sweden followed by England, France and
USA. In general, women are attracted to retail trade, restaurants, hotels,
education, insurance and manufacturing. In our country, women constitute only
5.2 per cent of the total self employed persons in India. Majority of them
opted for agriculture, agro based industries, handicrafts, handlooms, cottage
industries but in 2011 (2011 census) it has improved to 25 percent.
Women entrepreneurship is gaining importance in
India in the wake of economic liberalisation and globalisation. The policy and
institutional framework for nurturing entrepreneurial skills, imparting
vocation education and training has widened the horizon for economic
empowerment of the women. However, women constitute one third of the economic
enterprise. There are scores of successful women entrepreneurs both in economic
and social fields in India.
Thus, a stage has been already set for social
take-off of women from a low development path to an accelerated pace in
achieving higher level of self sustaining economic growth in the wake of new
economic policy 1991.
According to Schumpeter’s concept, “Women who
innovate, imitate or adopt a business activity are known as women
Government of India based on women participation in
equity and employment of business enterprise has defined women entrepreneurs as
“An enterprise owned and controlled by a women having a minimum financial
interest of 51% of the capital and giving at least 51% of the employment
generated in the enterprise to women.”
Women entrepreneurs are bestowed with numerous
business opportunities depending upon their area, choice of industry, capacity
to invest, technical and non-technical skills etc.,
When a woman decides to become an entrepreneur she
has extensive opportunities to tap into. The following are the opportunities
unfolding in different spheres of commerce.
i. In the sphere of manufacturing women can start
ventures like Agarbathi manufacturing, papad making, bedspread making,
embroidery, export of handicrafts, apparel manufacturing, sweet stalls,
manufacturing soft drinks, pickle making , manufacturing garments, handicrafts,
printing press etc.
ii. In the sphere of service industries, women
entrepreneurs may try their hand in ventures like catering service, computer
centres, tutorial centres, Typewriting institutes, beauty parlours, dry
cleaning, small restaurants, tailoring, crèche, florist shops, event management
iii. In the realm of trading ventures, women can
enter the ventures like fancy stores, diagnostic centres, milk distribution,
sweet stalls, drug stores, grocery stores, textile retailing, cool drinks
parlour, coffee parlour, cell phone repairs, photo studios, photocopier firms,
working women’s hostel etc.,
iv. Highly educated, experienced and broadly
exposed women technocrats can start larger venture like running hospitals,
coaching centres, diagnostic laboratories, manufacturing activities, suited to
their field of specialisation, advertisement and media firms, call centres,
hotels etc.,
All Banks in India provide financial support to the
women Entrepreneur, in the form of micro small loans to buy Raw Materials and
Women entrepreneurs are provided with the following
non-financial support in the form of :
i. Putting in Policies, regulations and legal
structures suitable to women entrepreneurs
ii. Financial counselling and training
iii. Business advisory service
iv. Handling legal barriers
v. Establishing Commercial linkages
vi. Client research
vii. Profitability and Efficiency analysis
viii. Offering and designing the products based on
their needs
ix. Lower rate of interest
x. Collateral free loans
xi. Simplified processing system
xii. Flexible repayment system based on business nature
There are various associations like Self Help
Groups (SHG), Federation of Indian Women Entrepreneurs (FIWE), Women’s India
Trust (WIT), Small Industries Development organisation (SIDO), National Bank
for AgricultureandRuralDevelopment(NABARD), Self Employed Women’s Association
(SEWA), Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka (AWAKE), The
International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Career Development, TiEStree
Shakti (TSS), Tamilnadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd. (TNCDW),
Marketing Organisation of Women Enterprises (MOOWES), Women Entrepreneurs
Promotion Association (WEPA), Women Entrepreneurs Association of Tamil Nadu
(WEAT)andWeoW by Google are aggressively promoting women entrepreneurship in
Similarly, MSE cluster development programme bear a
substantial portion of the project cost in respect of ventures owned and
managed by women entrepreneurs. The percentage of guarantee given by Credit
Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises extend upto 80% for MSEs
owned and operated by women.
Government both Union and Central have put in a
number of schemes exclusively for promotion of women entrepreneurship namely:
i. Stand-Up India Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs
ii. Trade related Entrepreneruship Assistance and
Development (TREAD) Scheme for Women
iii. Mahila Coir Yojana
iv. Mahila E-haat
v. Magalir Udavi Scheme
vi. Prime Minister’s RozgarYojana (PMRY)
vii. Development of Women and Children in Rural
India (DWCRA)
viii. Mudra Yojana Scheme for Women
ix. Udyogini Scheme
Government of India has introduced National Skill
Development Policy and National Skill Development Mission in 2009 in order to
provide skill training, vocational education and entrepreneurship development
to the emerging work force. This has been catalysing the emergence of women
entrepreneurs in India. The following training schemes are being implemented
for promoting self employment of women by Government of India.
1. Support for Training and Employment Programme of
Women (STEP)
2. Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas
3. Small Industry Service Institutes
4. State Financial Corporations
5. National Small Industries Corporations
6. District Industrial Centres
Consortium of Women Entrepreneurs of India (CWEI)
was registered as a civil society in the year 1996 which is a non-profit
organisation in New Delhi. It is accredited by Government of India. It is a
member of National Board, Ministry of MSME and is working closely with Ministry
of Rural Development in the Public Private Partnership to support below poverty
line families in India. They are rendering the following functions:
i. They are acting as a springboard for enterprises
started by the women.
ii. It is helping women achieve high economic
iii. It is acting as a catalyst to improve the
access of womenfolk to natural resources.
iv. It is providing technological support in the
sphere of product design and development in the case of women owned
v. It is providing quality control, marketing and
technological supports to women owned enterprises.
vi. It is spreading knowledge to women
entrepreneurs about various government schemes.
In sum, it can be stated that women consortium is
an agency providing a comprehensive service of various types to women owned
Though there is a tremendous growth in the women
entrepreneurship in India, a number of research studies conducted in India have
brought out the following problems and challenges encountered by women
entrepreneurs during the course of their entrepreneurial journey.
1. Problem of Finance
The access of women to external sources of funds is
limited as they do not generally own properties in their own name. Financial
institutions too do not consider women in general creditworthy as they are
sceptical of their entrepreneurial capabilities of women. They impose stringent
condition which discourages women to avail themselves of loan assistance from
banks. In this context, they are pushed to rely on their own savings and small
loans from friends and relatives. Because of the limited funds, women
entrepreneurs are not able to effectively and efficiently run and expand their
2. Limited Mobility
Indian women cannot afford to shed their household
responsibilities towards their family even after they plunge into the venture started
by them. This restricts the mobility of women entrepreneur significantly. The
domestic responsibilities do not allow women entrepreneurs to freely move out
of business enterprises in connection with business activities.
3. Lack of Education
Illiterate and semi -literate women entrepreneurs
encounter a lot of challenges in their entrepreneurial journey with respect to
maintaining accounts, understanding money matters, day-to-day operations of the
company, marketing the products, applying technology etc., This reduces the
efficiency of operating the business successfully.
4. Lack of Network Support
The successful operation of any venture
irrespective of the size depends upon the network of support extended by
various constituencies like family members, friends, relatives, acquaintances,
neighbours, institutions and so on. Women entrepreneurs need much needed
psychological support and wiser counselling especially during the time they
actually encounter challenges. But it is reported that women entrepreneurs get
very limited support in times of crisis from most of these constituencies.
5. Stiff Competition
Women entrepreneurs have to face acute competition
for their goods from organised sector and from their male counterparts. Since
they are not able to spend liberally due to financial constraints, they are not
able to compete effectively and efficiently in the market.
6. Sensitivity
Women are more prone to a variety of emotions.
Being mother, women are vulnerable to many emotions. They tend to have sympathy
and empathy for others. This trait does not allow women entrepreneurs to take
objective decisions in many contexts during the course of running the
entrepreneurial venture. Besides, the weak emotions do not allow them to
tolerate failures and disappointments arising during the normal course of their
entrepreneurial journey. This inherently tone downs the effectiveness of their
7. Lack of Information
Women entrepreneurs are reported not to be
generally aware of subsidies and incentives available for them due to their
poor literacy levels or due to their pre occupation with household
responsibilities. This lack of knowledge or limited knowledge about subsidies
prevents them from availing themselves of special concessions, benefits and
incentives awarded by Government and other agencies.
8. Dependent culture
In India, women however educated and talented are
groomed to be dependent on their parents, life partners and children during the
various phases of their life cycle. They could not take decisions on their own
in many contexts due to this dependency factor. They have to take permission
from their support groups to engage in any purposeful and gainful activity.
They are not treated as equals unlike women in western countries. This cultural
barrier does not allow them to start and manage their ventures according to
their free will and pleasure.
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