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Chapter: 7th English : Term 2 Unit 1 : Prose : Adventures of Don Quixote


Homophones are two words that are spelled differently but have the same sound. Homonyms are spelled the same way but differ in meaning.


Homophones are two words that are spelled differently but have the same sound.


A. Explain the difference between these words by making sentences. One is done for you.


1. see/sea - Can you see the birds flying over the sea?

2. knight/night - The knight went to sleep at night.

3. right/write - I shall write the right answer,

4. arms/alms - The man in arms gave alms to the beggar.

5. fair/fare - The fair young lady paid the fare for the journey,

6. here/hear - If you come here you can hear the noise,

7. heard/herd - I heard that a herd of elephants entered our field,

8. our/hour - I shall come to our office in an hour,

9. no/know - I know no one in this strange place,

10. not/knot - She could not loosen the knot.


Homonyms are spelled the same way but differ in meaning.


B. Read the following sentences and write the meaning of the italicised words. One is done for you.


1. The bandage was wound around the wound.

wound - injury

wound - past tense of wind

2. There is a fair Arts and Craft fair this weekend.

fair beautiful

fair exhibition

3. The woodcutter saw a huge saw in his dream.

saw looked at (past tense of' ‘see')

saw a tool with toothed edge for cutting wood.

4. Write the right answers on the right side.

right correct

right opposite of left hand side

5. The well was dug by a well-known king.

well pit dug in the earth with water

well familiar, famous

6. We have march pass in March.

march walk with regular steps

march the third month of a year

7. Can you get me a can?

can a modal auxiliary verb that shows ability

can a vessel for liquids

8. How long will the live fish live without food?

live an adjective that shows that it has life,

live a verb which means exist

9. She has tears in her eyes as she tears old photos.

tears drops of liquid from the eyes,

tears pulls apart with force

10. I will be second in line if I wait one more second.

second - an order next to first

second - a short time


C. Divide each word by putting a slash (/) symbol between each syllable. On the space provided, write how many syllables each word has. Use a dictionary if you’re not sure where to divide the syllables.

Syllable is a unit ofpronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word; for example, there are two syllables in water. Wa/ter

1. adventure - ad/ven/ture - 3 syllables

2.courageous cour / age / ous - 3 syllables

3. incredible in / cred / ible - 3 syllables

4. knight knight  - 1 syllable

5. hilarious hi / la / ri / ous - 4 syllables

 6. excitement -  ex / cite / ment - 3 syllables

7. peasant -  pea / sant - 2 syllables

8. imagine -  i / ma / gine - 3 syllables

9. shepherd - shep / herd - 2 syllables

10.entreat en / treat - 2 syllables


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