The word dimensions are used to describe basic concepts like mass, length, time, temperature and force.Units are the means of expressing the value of the dimension quantitatively or numerically.
Example - Kilogram, Metre, Second, Kelvin, Celcius.
The four examples are the fundamental units; other derived units are
Density = mass per unit volume = kg/m3
Force = mass x acceleration = kg.m/s2 = Newton or N
Pressure = force per unit area = N/m2 =Pascal or Pa
Other unit is‘ bar’ ,
where 1 bar =1 X105 Pa =100 Kpa = 0.1 Mpa
Work = force x distance = Newton x metre = N.m==J or Joule
Power = work done per unit time= J/s = Watt or W
Term Dimension Unit
Area L*L m2
Volume L*L*L m3
Velocity L* T-1 m/s
Acceleration L*T-2 m/s2
Force M*L*T-2 N
Pressure M*L-1*T-2 N/m2 = Pa
Work M*L2*T-2 Nm = J
Power M*L2*T-3 J/s = W
Density M*L-3 kg/m3
Viscosity M*L-1*T-1 kg/ms = N s/m2
Surface Tension M*T-1 N/m
Quantity Representative symbol Dimensions
Angular velocity w t-1
Area A L2
Density r M/L3
Force F ML/t2
Kinematic viscosity n L2/t
Linear velocity V L/t
Linear acceleration A L/t2
Mass flow rate m. M/t
Power P ML2/t3
Pressure P M/Lt2
Sonic velocity C L/t
Shear stress t M/Lt2
Surface tension s M/t2
Viscosity m M/Lt
Volume V L3
Dimensions of the primary quantities:
Fundamental dimension : Symbol
Length L
Mass M
Time T
Temperature T
Dimensions of derived quantities can be expressed in terms of the fundamental dimensions.
1. CGS Units
2. FPS Units
3. MKS Units
4. SI Units
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