Transformation by
Two features of the replicative cycle of retroviruses
are related to the oncogenic potential of this class of viruses. First, most
retroviruses do not kill the host cell, but instead set up a permanent
infection with continual virus production. Second, a DNA copy of the RNA genome
is integrated into the
host cell DNA by a virally encoded integrase (IN); however, unlike
bacteriophage integration, a linear form of the viral DNA, rather than a
circular form, is the substrate for integration. Furthermore, unlike , there
does not appear to be a specific site in the cell DNA where integration occurs.
Retroviruses are known to transform cells by three different
mechanisms. First, many animal retroviruses have acquired transforming genes
called oncogenes. More than 30 such
oncogenes have now been found since the original oncogene was identified in
Rous sar-coma virus (called v-src,
where the v stands for viral). Because normal cells possess hom-ologs of these
genes called protooncogenes (eg, c-src, where c stands for cellular), it is
generally thought that viral oncogenes originated from host DNA. It is possible
they were picked up by “copy choice” recombination involving packaged cellular
mRNAs as previ-ously described. Because these transforming viruses carry
cellular genes, they are some-times referred to as transducing retroviruses. Most of the viral oncogenes have suffered
one or more mutations that make them different from the cellular
protooncogenes. These changes presumably alter the protein products so that
they cause transformation. Although the mechanisms of oncogenesis are not
completely understood, it appears that transforma-tion results from
inappropriate production of an abnormal protein that interferes with nor-mal
signaling processes within the cell. Uncontrolled cell proliferation is the
result. Because tumor formation by retroviruses carrying an oncogene is
efficient and rapid, these viruses are often referred to as acute transforming viruses. Although
common in some animal species, this mechanism has not yet been recognized as a
cause of any human cancers.
The second mechanism
is called insertional mutagenesis
and is not dependent on continued production of a viral gene product. Instead,
the presence of the viral promoter or enhancer is sufficient to cause the
inappropriate expression of a cellular gene residing in the immediate vicinity
of the integrated provirus. This mechanism was first recognized in avian B-cell
lymphomas caused by an avian leukosis virus, a disease characterized by a very
long latent period. Tumor cells from different individuals were found to have a
copy of the provirus integrated at the same place in the cellular DNA. The site
of the provirus insertion was found to be next to a cellular protooncogene
called c-myc. The myc gene had previously been identified
as a viral oncogene called v-myc. In
this case, transforma-tion occurs not because the c-myc gene is altered by mutation but because the viral pro-moter
adjacent to the gene turns on its expression continuously and the gene product
is overproduced. The disease has a long latent period; because, although the
birds are viremic from early life, the probability of an integration occurring
next to the c-myc gene is very low.
Once such an integration event does occur, however, cell proliferation is rapid
and a tumor develops. No human tumors are known for certain to result from
insertional mutagenesis caused by a retrovirus; however, human cancers are
known where a chromo-some translocation has placed an active cellular promoter
next to a cellular protoonco-gene (Burkitt’s lymphoma and chronic myelogenous
The third mechanism
was revealed by the discovery of the first human retrovirus. The virus, human
T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), is the causative agent of adult
T-cell leukemia. HTLV-1 sequences are found integrated in the DNA of the
leukemic cells and all the tumor cells from a particular individual have the
proviral DNA in the same location. This observation indicates that the tumor is
a clone derived from a single cell; however, the sites of integration in tumors
from different individuals are different. Thus, HTLV-1 does not cause
malignancy by promoter insertion near a particular cellular gene. Instead, the
virus has a gene called tax that codes
for a protein that acts in trans (ie, on other genes in the same cell) to not
only promote maximal transcription of the proviral DNA, but also to
transcriptionally activate an array of cellular genes. The resulting cellu-lar
proteins cooperate to cause uncontrolled cell proliferation. The tax gene is therefore different from the
oncogenes of the acute transforming retroviruses in that it is a viral gene
rather than a gene derived from a cellular protooncogene. HTLV-1 is commonly
de-scribed as a transactivating
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