Chapter: Civil : Railway Airport Harbour Engineering : Railway Engineering : Railway Accidents and Disaster Management

Train: Flood Causeway

When a causeway gets flooded and the velocity of water is not too high, trains may be allowed to pass, subject to the following conditions.

Flood Causeway


When a causeway gets flooded and the velocity of water is not too high, trains may be allowed to pass, subject to the following conditions.


(a)  The PWI has examined the track on foot and is satisfied as to the safety and integrity of the permanent way.

(b) The depth of water does not exceed the following values:

       Passenger trains   Goods trains

BG  300 mm      450 mm

MG 225 mm      225 mm

NG  225 mm      225 mm

When a track gets flooded, trains should be made to halt and then proceed at a speed of 8 km/h subject to the following conditions.


(a)  If the water rises over the ballast level, but remains below the rail level, then before the passage of every train, at least two men should walk abreast the length of the track, one at either end of the sleepers. The train should be allowed to pass only if the track is undamaged.


(b) When the water covers the rails, the PWI should conduct probes along the length of the track in order to ascertain whether it is safe and only then should trains be allowed to pass.


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Civil : Railway Airport Harbour Engineering : Railway Engineering : Railway Accidents and Disaster Management : Train: Flood Causeway |

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