The triaxial test
This is
the most widely used shear strength test and is suitable for all types of soil.
The test has the advantages that drainage conditions can be controlled,
enabling saturated soils of low permeability to be consolidated, if required,
as part of the test procedure, and pore water pressure measurements can be
made. A cylindrical specimen, generally having a length/diameter ratio of 2, is
used in the test and is stressed under conditions of axial symmetry in the
manner shown in Figure. Typical specimen diameters are 38 and 100 mm. The main
features of the apparatus are shown in Figure. The circular base has a central
pedestal on which the specimen is placed, there being access through the
pedestal for drainage and for the measurement of pore water pressure. A Perspex
cylinder, sealed between a ring and the circular cell top, forms the body of
the cell. The cell top has a central bush through which the loading ram passes.
The cylinder and cell top clamp onto the base, a seal being made by means of an
Triaxial test
specimen is placed on either a porous or a solid disc on the pedestal of the
apparatus. A loading cap is placed on top of the specimen and the specimen is
then sealed in a rubber membrane, O-rings under tension being used to seal the
membrane to the pedestal and the loading cap. In the case of sands, the
specimen must be prepared in a rubber membrane inside a rigid former which fits
around the pedestal. A small negative pressure is applied to the pore water to
maintain the stability of the specimen while the former is removed prior to the
application of the all-round pressure. A connection may also be made through
the loading cap to the top of the specimen, a flexible plastic tube leading
from the loading cap to the base of the cell; this connection is normally used
for the application of back pressure (as described later in this section). Both
the top of the loading cap and the lower end of the loading ram have coned
seating, the load being transmitted through a steel ball. The specimen is
subjected to an all-round fluid pressure in the cell, consolidation is allowed
to take place, if appropriate,
and then the axial stress is
gradually increased by the application of compressive load through the ram
until failure of the specimen takes place, usually on a diagonal plane. The
load is measured by means of a load ring or by a load transducer fitted either
inside or outside the cell. The system for applying the all-round pressure must
be capable of compensating for pressure changes due to cell leakage or specimen
volume change.
In the triaxial test,
consolidation takes place under equal increments of total stress normal to the
end and circumferential surfaces of the specimen. Lateral strain in the
specimen is not equal to zero during consolidation under these conditions
(unlike in the odometer test, as described in Section). Dissipation of excess
pore water pressure takes place due to drainage through the porous disc at the
bottom (or top) of the specimen. The drainage connection leads to an external
burette, enabling the volume of water expelled from the specimen to be
measured. The datum for excess pore water pressure is therefore atmospheric
pressure, assuming that the water level in the burette is at the same height as
the centre of the specimen. Filter paper drains, in contact with the end porous
disc, are some-times placed around the circumference of the specimen; both
vertical and radial drainage then take place and the rate of dissipation of
excess pore water pressure is increased.
The all-round pressure is taken
to be the minor principal stress and the sum of the all-round pressure and the
applied axial stress as the major principal stress, on the basis that there are
no shear stresses on the surfaces of the specimen. The applied axial stress is
thus referred to as the principal stress difference (also known as the deviator
stress). The intermediate principal stress is equal to the minor principal
stress; there- fore, the stress conditions at failure can be represented by a
Mohr circle. If a number of specimens are tested, each under a different value
of all-round pressure, the failure envelope can be drawn and the shear strength
parameters for the soil determined. In calculating the principal stress
difference, the fact that the average cross-sectional area (A) of the
does not remain constant throughout the test must be taken into account. If the
original cross-sectional area of the specimen is A' and the
original volume is V' then, if the volume of the specimen decreases
during the test.
Pore water pressure measurement
The pore
water pressure in a triaxial specimen can be measured, enabling the results to
be expressed in terms of effective stress; conditions of no flow either out of
or into the specimen must be maintained, otherwise the correct pressure will be
modified. Pore water pressure is normally measured by means of an electronic
pressure transducer.A change in pressure produces a small deflection of the
transducer diaphragm, the corres- ponding strain being calibrated against
pressure. The connection between the specimen and the transducer must be filled
with de-aired water (produced by boiling water in a near vacuum) and the system
should undergo negligible volume change under pressure. If the specimen is
partially saturated a fine porous ceramic disc must be sealed into the pedestal
of the cell if the correct pore water pressure is to be measured. Depending on
the pore size of the ceramic, only pore water can flow through the disc,
provided the difference between the pore air and pore water pressures is below
a certain value known as the air entry value of the disc. Under undrained
conditions the ceramic disc will remain fully saturated with water, provided
the air entry value is high enough, and enabling the correct pore water
pressure to be measured. The use of a coarse porous disc, as normally used for
a fully saturated soil, would result in the measurement of the pore air
pressure in a partially saturated soil.
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