The practice of forensic medicine
The practice of forensic medicine (medicinaforensis)
is largely focused on the clinical aspects and pathology of medicine as they
relate to the needs of the courts of law [forensic (adjective) = of courts of
The terms ``forensic medicine'' and ``medical
jurisprudence'' are often used synonymously, but in fact differ in meaning.
``Medical jurisprudence'' is sometimes used in a wide sense as also inclusive
of medical law, in other words the law pertaining to the practice of medicine,
while ``forensic medicine'' refers to the ``medical'' needs of the courts.
Clinical forensic medicine embraces the medical
condition of the living ``victim'' and/or ``assailant'' arising out of assault
and alcohol and drug usage, as well as topics such as age determination,
identity, abortion, sexual offences and iatrogenic conditions (``iatrogenic''
means ``resulting from the activity of doctors'').
Forensic pathology, on the other hand, involves
largely the post-mortem medical investigation of deaths which appear to be the
result of causes other than natural causes. It also involves pathology
laboratory procedures and investigations needed to support both clinical
forensic medicine and the post-mortem investigation. This includes, for
example, microscopic examination of tissue, microbiological and biochemical
tests and blood and tissue grouping.
Further support to both the clinical and
pathology investigations is offered by the analytical toxicologist who
undertakes tests for the determination of foreign chemical substances in body
tissues and fluids. Not infrequently the medico-legal investigation becomes a
multi-disciplinary team-effort on the part of a number of different categories
of scientists, which may include the forensic psychiatrist, odontologist,
biologist, ballistic and other forensic scientists of many different callings.
[The following need not be studied for
examination purposes.]
In his inaugural lecture delivered at the
University of South Africa in 1976 the late Professor HA Shapiro addressed
himself to the practice and scope of forensic medicine. A slightly abridged
version of his address follows:
Forensic medicine includes every aspect of
medical practice which can assist the courts in resolving an issue. There is a
considerable civil sphere, arising largely from non-fatal traffic accidents, in
which any medical practitioner may become involved as an expert at any time, in
his capacity as a physician, a neurosurgeon, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an
orthopaedic surgeon, and so on.
Here I include those medical examinations of
persons alleged to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs; of
assailants and victims in cases of assault, including rape, etc. This kind of
medico-legal examination is an ordinary general clinical examination which all
medical practitioners are trained to do. In examining a person alleged to be
under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the emphasis would be on the reason
for a transitory disturbance of the nervous system. No special merit resides in
the examination or the opinion merely because it has been made by a district
surgeon.1 In this, as in all cases, it is the reasons for coming to
a conclusion that will, in due course, be scrutinised and tested in
cross-examination in court. Whether the expert is a district surgeon or a
specialist, nothing can avail him in these circumstances except his clinical
competence, derived from his general medical training and experience.
But there remains a field requiring knowledge
which is not ordinarily within the province of medical practitioners unless
they have been exposed to a special kind of training and experience. This is
the area we can conveniently describe as falling within Forensic Pathology. It
is easier to describe than to define Forensic Pathology, which is concerned
largely with deaths not due to natural causes. It includes a study of the fatal
effects of poisons, under the title of Toxicology.
There is sometimes a tendency to argue that an
external examination of the body reveals such severe injuries as to make a
post-mortem examination unnecessary. This attitude embraces the fallacy of
accepting the obvious. The need to do a careful post-mortem examination,
despite what common sense may dictate to the contrary, is well demonstrated in
the case of Rex vBlom. This case, as you all know, stresses the 2 cardinal
rules of logic which cannot be ignored when reasoning by inference:
The inference sought to be drawn must be consistent with all the proved
facts. If it is not, the inference cannot be drawn.
The proved facts should be such that they exclude every reasonable
inference from them save the one sought to be drawn. If they do not exclude
other reasonable inferences, then there must be a doubt whether the inference
sought to be drawn is correct (1939 AD 188, at 202±203).
In this case the body of the deceased had been
mutilated by a train which had passed over it. The post-mortem examination
yielded evidence which was consistent with the view that the deceased was dead
before her body was placed on the railway line and that she had been killed by
an administration of chloroform. This case strikingly demonstrates the
importance of a careful post-mortem examination on all occasions.
The forensic pathologist is, however, also
confronted, to a considerable extent, with deaths due to natural causes, but
occurring in such circumstances that the usual death certificate cannot be
issued by a registered medical practitioner.
In actual practice, therefore, an inquiry into
the cause of death requires, to begin with, an adequate knowledge of the
abnormal signs encountered in deaths due to natural causes. At the time of the
post-mortem examination an investigator cannot, in many cases, be sure in which
category the death will fall.
The limitations on the inferences which can
reasonably be drawn from isolated, naked-eye post-mortem findings must be
appreciated very clearly. Nowhere are these limitations reflected better than,
for example, in deaths where an anaesthetic has been administered: in cases of
fatal poisoning, where it is the negative findings which should raise
suspicion: in many cases of head injury and in many deaths due to natural
causes. The problem arises regularly where death is attributed to
arteriosclerotic heart disease on the basis of the solitary post-mortem
findings. The deceased, after all, had been walking around, harbouring his
disease, until just before he died.
There need and should be no hesitation about
declining to state the cause of death on the post-mortem findings alone, when
the autopsy observations clearly do not permit the pathologist to do so. He may
only be in a position to give the answer when the results of other
investigations are made available to him, eg a clinical history of the case,
the results of a toxicological or other laboratory analysis, etc. The
pathologist then acts as a consultant and expresses an opinion on all the facts
when these are put to him at the proper time and in the proper place, eg in an
inquest court or during a trial. The post-mortem examination is really just a
special investigation and is only one of the items in the total collection of
evidence which must be evaluated in coming to a conclusion. It is important not
to confuse the role of the consultant with that of the observer carrying out
the autopsy. Two separate operations are involved in coming to a diagnosis.
The forensic pathologist cannot, however,
express such a view without relying on a general knowledge of medicine, which
must be applied to the circumstances of a particular case. This contribution is
best made by those who are, to begin with, well trained in all branches of
medical knowledge. This emphasises the need to ensure that he is, in the first
place, a competent medical practitioner. Any defects in his medical knowledge
must inevitably be reflected in the inadequacy of his opinion as a medico-legal
There seems to be a view, which is fairly widely
held in some quarters, that the performance of a post-mortem examination
necessarily provides the answer to the cause of death. In fact, this is so only
in a relatively small percentage of cases in which the lesion observed is
incompatible with life.
There is no reason for a medico-legal
pathologist to feel obliged to pretend to omniscience or papal infallibility.
It may well be a matter of regret that post-mortem findings are not always
capable of providing those precise answers which legal questions so often
demand. But this is not the fault of the medical witness, who must consequently
guard with great care against pretending to a knowledge which, in the nature of
things, he cannot have. Should he make such claims, he would merely demonstate
that he stands alone in the possession of unique talents which his colleagues
in the rest of the scientific world lack.
There is no duty upon him to become a kind of
sniffing medical bloodhound who naõÈvely considers it a compliment to be
described as wearing the mantle of a Spilsbury; nor can we allow Forensic
Pathology to descend to the level at which the pathologist may have to be
equated in status with the ancient Roman augur who, with prophetic insight,
offers his soothsayers's opinion after inspecting the entrails of a corpse. It
is a matter of some concern that many a forensic opinion in medico-legal
pathology has virtually not advanced beyond the stage of such ancient Roman
The unavoidable shortcomings in medical
knowledge emphasise the importance of instructing legal practitioners in the
principles which should guide us all in evaluating the observations made by
practitioners and the legitimate inferences they seek to draw from them.
Now it so happens that in South Africa all
medico-legal post-mortem examinations are carried out exclusively by employees
of the State. They are the only medical practitioners who are exposed to this
kind of medico-legal experience. It is therefore gratifying to know that from
their ranks have come research workers whose contributions have profoundly
influenced the teaching and practice of Forensic Medicine all over the world.
Perhaps the single, most fundamental and
revolutionary contribution burst upon the scene when, on 9 September 1944,
Professor I Gordon published a paper entitled A Classification of Deaths of
Medico-Legal Importance, in the British Medical Journal. Professor Gordon used
to be a senior academic in this field and his paper (written with Einsteinian
conciseness and brevity) was merely the forerunner of a series of observations
which had 3 main consequences. His work produced a startling impact on the
practice of our discipline; it rescued Forensic Pathology from the Cinderella
role which had overtaken it; and it ushered in a scientific era in the history
of Forensic Pathology. South African medico-legal research thus came to
influence forensic teaching and practice far and wide.
Alexander Pope has reminded us that the proper
study of mankind is man. As I will demonstrate, the proper studies which come
from South Africa contributed to a scientific evaluation of many problems that
face us daily. The research work was marked by its utilitarian character. This
is not to say that we are unsympathetic to fundamental inquiries which have no
immediate practical application - what
we may call futilitarian research. Indeed, some of my best friends in research
are futilitarians! But the nature of the problems which confronted us impressed
on us the immediacy and the urgency of the need to examine these practical
issues. The liberty, if not the lives, of accused persons were at stake because
so-called expert opinions were being offered which were without any scientific
foundation and which reflected the ignorance, the obstinacy, the bias and
prejudice of those who are not handicapped by a knowledge of the subject.
As you can well appreciate, a very considerable
part of our practice is concerned with violent deaths, eg deaths due to
suffocation, throttling, strangling, hanging, drowning, etc. These are the
so-called asphyxias, where death is due to a mechanical obstruction of the
airway. Those who taught us and wrote the textbooks on which we depended, led
us to believe that it was possible, on the basis of the post-mortem findings
alone, both to recognise that death was due to asphyxia and to determine its
particular type. These assertions are still made in some quarters and they
comprise possibly the biggest myth that has ever pervaded thinking, teaching
and practice in this field.
Professor Gordon pointed out the fallacies in
these claims and the wholly unwarranted inferences which were being drawn from
observations made on the dead. There was a failure to distinguish between
clinical evidence derived from the living and the totally different order of
things seen in the dead. In brief, he showed that asphyxia was not an entity
which could be recognised from the post-mortem findings alone and, with the
perspicacity of a Mendeleeff, he constructed what was virtually a periodic
table for the classification of these deaths. On the basis of Gordon's
observations, it become possible to pigeon-hole the various kinds of asphyxial
death in categories which are acceptable scientifically and permit us to
predict fairly confidently the abnormal signs which we can expect to find and
which will give us an indication of how the chain of events leading to a fatal
outcome was initiated.
Although Gordon's classification requires us to
abandon the use of the scientifically inadequate term asphyxia (it means
``without a pulse'') and to substitute for it the more appropriate term anoxia
(which means ``without oxygen''), this change in nomenclature has not yet been
adopted universally, even though it is today used very widely (if in some cases
still apologetically) in modern forensic writings. Our new generations of
lawyers are becoming familiar with the acceptable scientific nomenclature, so
it will not be long before the obsolete terminology is abandoned.
In the diagnosis of the so-called asphyxial
deaths, our teachers set much store by the presence of small haemorrhages,
pin-point to pin-head in size, on the surface of the lungs, the heart, and so
on. These small haemorrhages are called petechiae (from the Latin for
freckles). They have been likened to flea-bites. Indeed, their profusion in
certain diseases of the kidney has led to the rather apt description of the
flea-bitten kidney.
Notwithstanding the presence of petechiae in
various disease processes unconnected with asphyxia, these small haemorrhages
came to be regarded as diagnostic of mechanical obstruction to the airway. They
acquired this asphyxial attribute largely as the result of the claims of the
19th Century physician, Tardieu. Despite some contemporary criticisms of
Tardieu's assertions, the Tardieu spots (as they come to be known) were
invested with a significance exclusively indicative of asphyxia. They became
the hall-mark of the diagnosis.
Reliance on the Tardieu spots as evidence of
asphyxia (indeed, of throttling) reached its misguided culmination in the case
of Rex v Carr, first heard in the Port Elizabeth Circuit Local Division on 29
November 1948. In this case the Appellate Court set aside a conviction for
murder and a sentence of death, after it had taken the unusual step of hearing
new evidence. There were, of course, other issues besides the petechiae, but
they were relied on by the chief witness for the Crown to support (on the
evidence available) a wholly insupportable diagnosis of death due to
The Carr case stimulated Professor Gordon to
initiate a most intense and fruitful programme of research in the field of
forensic pathology. Careful studies on the petechiae revealed that they can
occur spontaneously in the dead body and can even be produced as artefacts
after death on the very surfaces of the organs where their presence has been
regarded as indicating asphyxia.
It has, for example, long been observed that healthy
infants have unexpectedly been found dead in bed or in their cots. In such
cases we were taught that they had died from suffocation whether by smothering
in thebedclothes or overlaying by parents. One of the signs relied on for
calling them asphyxial deaths was the presence of Tardieu spots of petechiae on
the surfaces of the lungs and the heart.
In the early 1960s it was realised that these
deaths could not be explained in this way and the entity of unexpected death in
infancy (or UDI, as I may call it) was recognised. We do not yet know why these
apparently well infants die unexpectedly and suddenly, but the petechiae which
are observed in these cases are no longer misinterpreted as evidence of
mechanical obstruction to the airway. This is the direct result of Gordon's
recognition of their non-specific character.
``... one thing is certain; they [the petechiae]
cannot be accepted as indicating an `asphyxial' termination if by the use of
the term `asphyxia' we infer mechanical obstruction to the entry of air into
the alveoli. This was an erroneous view held by our forebears, and it has
persisted longer than most other medico-legal myths. But it has now been
The final touches to the work of Gordon in this
area come with the demonstration that bruises in the tissues of the neck can be
produced during the course of a post-mortem dissection and that it is not
possible to distinguish, even microscopically, between such bruises and bruises
inflicted recently before death. It is hardly necessary to point out that these
observations have a profound significance for the post-mortem diagnosis of
cases of throttling and other forms of violent death; nor is it surprising that
they led to a modification of the technique of dissecting the neck structures
that has been adopted widely.
It is fair to say today that the fundamental
research work contributed by Professor Gordon and other South Africans has been
adopted (if at times rather reluctantly, but adopted nevertheless), fairly
generally in authoritative textbooks of international repute.
Thus the truth of the old tag of Pliny the Elder
prevails: Ex Africa semper aliquidnovi.
It is clear from what I have said that, once
they entered the medico-legal theatre, South Africans did some major plastic
and reconstructive surgery on the face of Forensic Pathology. This has forced
medico-legal pathologists all over the world to take another, more informed
look at the subject. They have not always shown alacrity in trying to overcome
their resistance to the unsettling observations which our researches have
forced them to adopt in place of outworn shibboleths. How could such things
come out of the jungles of Africa? They did not apparently appreciate that a
sophisticated medicine flourished in the best tradition of Western civilisation
at the extremity of this vast continent.
This is why we have repeatedly, but politely,
had to say to them, as Bernardo said to Horatio before Hamlet's approach:
``Sit down a while
And let us once again assail your ears,
That are so fortified against our story.''
Hamlet, Act I, Scene I.
If we approach our forensic problems in a
scientific spirit, we will be able to say, with all the humility of the
Soothsayer in Anthony and Cleopatra:
``In nature's infinite book of secrecy
A little I can read.''Act I, Scene II
Modest as this accomplishment may be, it is the
only way in which we can advance the practice of our discipline so that we can
play our proper part in the administration of justice.
Let us remind ourselves of what Sir Thomas
Browne (1605±1682) said some 300 years ago in his treatise on Vulgar Errors:
``But the mortallest enemy unto knowledge, and
that which hath done the greatest execution upon truth, hath been a peremptory
adhesion unto authority; and more expecially, the establishing of our belief
upon the dictates of antiquity ... . Now hereby methinks we manifestly delude
ourselves, and widely walk out of the track of truth.''
Sir Thomas Browne, PseudodoxiaEpidemica;
Enquiries into very many commonly received Tenents and commonly presumed Truths
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