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Chapter: Obstetrics and Gynecology: Postpartum Care

The Postpartum Visit

At the time of the first postpartum visit, inquiries should be made into the following: status of breastfeeding, re-turn of menstruation, resumption of coital activity, use of contraception, interaction of the newborn with the fam-ily, and resumption of other physical activities such as return to work.



At the time of the first postpartum visit, inquiries should be made into the following: status of breastfeeding, re-turn of menstruation, resumption of coital activity, use of contraception, interaction of the newborn with the fam-ily, and resumption of other physical activities such as return to work. Observation about and appropriate ques-tions concerning sadness and depression, anxiety, the par-ents’ concerns about infant care, and the relationship of mother and her partner are also part of the first postpar-tum visit. Involutional changes will have occurred in most instances. Inflammatory changes because of the healing of the cervix may result in minor atypia on a Pap smear performed at this time. Unless there is a history of signifi-cant cervical dysplasia, repeating the Pap smear in 3 months is appropriate.

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