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Types, Advantages, Disadvantages of Telescopes - Telescope | 10th Science : Chapter 2 : Optics

Chapter: 10th Science : Chapter 2 : Optics


Telescope is an optical instrument to see the distant objects. The first telescope was invented by Johann Lippershey in 1608. Galileo made a telescope to observe distant stars.


Have you seen the recent lunar eclipse? With our naked eye we can’t visualize the phenomena distinctly. Then, how can we see the distant object in clearer manner? It is possible with telescope.

Telescope is an optical instrument to see the distant objects. The first telescope was invented by Johann Lippershey in 1608. Galileo made a telescope to observe distant stars. He got the idea, from a spectacle maker who one day observed that the distant weather cock appeared magnified through his lens system fitted in his shop. Galileo observed the satellites of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn through his telescope. Kepler invented Telescope in which was fundamentally similar to the astronomical telescope.


Types of Telescope

According to optical property, it is classified into two groups:

i) refracting telescope ii) reflecting telescope

In refracting telescope lenses are used. Galilean telescope, Keplerian telescope, Achromatic refractors, are some refracting telescopes.

In reflecting telescope parabolic mirrors are used Gregorian, Newtonian, Cassegrain telescope are some Reflecting telescopes

According to the things which are observed, Astronomical Telescope and Terrestrial Telescopes are the two major types of telescope.


Astronomical Telescope

An astronomical telescope is used to view heavenly bodies like stars, planets galaxies and satellites.


Terrestrial Telescopes

The image in an astronomical telescope is inverted. So, it is not suitable for viewing objects on the surface of the Earth. Therefore, a terrestrial telescope is used. It provides an erect image. The major difference between astronomical and terrestrial telescope is erecting the final image with respect to the object.


Advantages of Telescopes

Elaborate view of the Galaxies, Planets, stars and other heavenly bodies is possible.

·                 Camera can be attached for taking photograph for the celestial objects.

·                 Telescope can be viewed even with the low intensity of light.



·                 Frequent maintenances needed.

·                 It is not easily portable one.


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10th Science : Chapter 2 : Optics : Telescope | Types, Advantages, Disadvantages of Telescopes

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