Strategic Marketing Mix
In the
sequence of strategic analysis and decisions, "marketing mix"
analysis falls after various external
and internal environmental analyses such as PESTEL
analysis, Porter's Five Forces analysis, SWOT Analysis and
even formulation of competitive strategies (Porter's Generic
mix is an imperative concept in modern marketing and academically it is
referred to as the set of controllable tools that the firm blends to produce
the response it wants in the target market, so it consists of everything the
firm can do to influence the demand for its product (Kotler and Armstrong,
2004). It is important to realise that marketing mix strategy of any company
can have one major function, that is, strategic communication of the
organisation with its customers (Proctor, 2000). It was further argued that
marketing mix provides multiple paths as such communication can be achieved
either in spoken form and written communications (advertising, selling, etc.)
or in more symbolic forms of communication (the image conveyed in the quality
of the product, its price and the type of distribution outlet chosen). However,
the key element is that the main aspects of marketing mix that will be
discussed below "should not be seen as individual entities, but as a set
of interrelated entities which have to be set in conjunction with one
another" (Proctor, 2000: 212).
1.Main Aspects of Marketing Mix
easiest way to understand the main aspects of marketing is through its more
famous synonym of "4Ps of Marketing". The classification of four Ps
of marketing was first introduced and suggested by McCarthy (1960), and
includes marketing strategies of product, price, placement and promotion.
following diagram is helpful in determining the main ingredients of the four Ps
in a marketing mix.
simpler terms, product includes all features and combination of goods and
related services that a company offers to its customers. So the Air bus product
includes its body parts such as the engine, nut bolts, seats, etc along with
its after-sales services and all are included in the product development
strategy of the Airbus. However, a serious criticism can be raised here in
terms of how marketing mix analysis will cater for companies such as ABN Amro
Bank,Natwest Bank, British Airways and Fedex Corporation as they don't possess
tangible products. It was argued that is it feasible to omit service-oriented
companies with the logic that the term "services" does not start with
a "P", however, it was asserted that these companies can use the
terminology of "service products" under marketing mix strategy making
(Kotler & Armstrong, 2004).
(1971) argued that product is the most important aspect of marketing mix for
two main reasons. First, for manufacturers, products are the market expression
of the company's productive capabilities and determine its ability to link with
consumers. So product policy and strategy are of prime importance to an
enterprise, and product decisions dictate the scope and direction of company
activity. Moreover, the market indicators such as profits, sales, image, market
share, reputation and stature are also dependent on them. Secondly, it is
imperative to realise that the product of any organisation is both a component
and a determinant of the marketing mix as it has a great influence on the other
elements of the mix: advertising, personal selling, channels of distribution,
physical distribution and pricing. So without proper product policy, a company
can not pursue for further elements of marketing mix.
is basically setting a specific price for a product or service offered. In a
simplistic way, Kotler and Armstrong (2004) refer to the concept of price as
the amount of money that customers have to pay to obtain the product. Setting a
price is not something simple. Normally it has been taken as a general law that
a low price will attract more customers. It is not a valid argument as
customers do not respond to price alone; they respond to value so a lower price
does not necessarily mean expanded sales if the product is not fulfilling the
expectation of the customers (Lazer, 1971).
pricing strategy under marketing mix analysis is divided into two parts: price
determination and price administration (ibid).
determination is referred to as the processes and activities employed to arrive
at a price for a product including consideration of relative prices of products
within the same line, and differences in price for similar products of
differing grades and qualities.
administration is referred to as the activities involved in fitting basic
prices to particular sales situations such as geographic locale, functions
performed by customers, position of distribution channel members, or special
sales situations. An example of this is special discounted prices at, for
instance, GAP,NEXTetc or Coca Cola and Pepsi where different prices are set in different
geographical areas considering the difference in patterns of usage as well as
varying advertisement costs.
under marketing mix involves all company activities that make the product
available to the targeted customer (Kotler and Armstrong, 2004). Based on
various factors such as sales, communications and contractual considerations,
various ways of making products available to customers can be used (Lazer,
1971). Companies such as Ford, Ferrari, Toyota, and Nissan use specific dealers
to make their products available, whereas companies such asNestle involve a
whole chain of wholesaler retailers to reach its customers. On a general note,
while planning placement strategy under marketing mix analysis, companies
consider six different channel decisions including choosing between direct
access to customers or involving middlemen, choosing single or multiple
channels of distributions, the length of the distribution channel, the types of
intermediaries, the numbers of distributors, and which intermediary to use
based on the quality and reputation (Proctor, 2000)
strategies include all means through which a company communicates the benefits
and values of its products and persuades targeted customers to buy them (Kotler
and Armstrong, 2004). The best way to understand promotion is through the
concept of the marketing communication process. Promotion is the company
strategy to cater for the marketing communication process that requires
interaction between two or more people or groups, encompassing senders,
messages, media and receivers (Lazer, 1971). Taking the example of Nokia, the
sender of the communication in this case is Nokia, the advertising agency, or
both; the media used in the process can be salesmen, newspapers, magazines,
radio, billboards, television and the like. The actual message is the
advertisement or sales presentation and the destination is the potential
consumer or customer, in this case mobile phone users.
3.Limitation of Marketing Mix
Analysis (4Ps of Marketing)
the fact that marketing mix analysis is used as a synonym for the 4Ps of
Marketing, it is criticised (Kotler & Armstrong, 2004) on the point that it
caters seller's view of market analysis not customers view. To tackle this criticism,
Lauter born (1990) attempted to match 4 Ps of marketing with 4 Cs of marketing
to address consumer views:
Product –
Customer Solution Price – Customer Cost Placement – Convenience Promotion –
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