Stages of an Infectious Disease
There are four discrete stages of an infectious disease, which are
as follows:
Incubation period: This denotes the time
interval betweenthe entry of infective agent and the onset of clinical
mani-festations of disease. During this period, the infective agent after
reaching the selective tissue undergoes multiplication.
Prodrome period: It is the time during which
only non-specific symptoms of disease occur.
Specific illness period: The time during which the
charac-teristic features of disease occur.
Recovery period: The time during which
symptomsresolve and health is restored.
Not all the cases that recover become free of organism. Some become
chronic carriers and act as sources of infection for others. Though some cases
may not develop infection, they can act as a link in the transmission of
infection. This is called subclinical infection.
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