Short-Term Memory
Short-term memory is typified by one’s memory of 7 to 10 numerals
in a telephone number (or 7 to 10 other discrete facts) for a few seconds to a
few minutes at a time but lasting only as long as the person continues to think
about the numbers or facts.
Many physiologists have suggested that this short-term memory is
caused by continual neural activity resulting from nerve signals that travel
around and around a temporary memory trace in a circuit of rever-berating neurons. It has not yet been possible to
provethis theory. Another possible explanation of short-term memory is presynaptic facilitation or inhibition.
This occurs at synapses that lie on terminal nerve fibrils immediately before
these fibrils synapse with a subsequent neuron. The neurotransmitter chemicals
secreted at such terminals frequently cause facilitation or inhibition lasting
for seconds up to several minutes. Circuits of this type could lead to
short-term memory.
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