Decreased visual perception
Decreased elasticity of the ear drum
Decreased sense of smell
Decreased taste perception
Decreased touch sensation
People interact with the
world through the sense, sensory losses associated with old age affect all
sensory organs. Nearly half of older man and one third of older women report
difficulty hearing without aHearing Aid 16% of old men and 19% of older women
report difficulty seeing even with the corrective lenses.
Decrease peripheral vision.
Decrease night vision.
Decrease capacity to distinguish colour.
Reduced lubrication resulting in dry, itchy eyes.
Approach people directly not from the side.
Proper lighting can make a big difference.
Assist with choosing clothes if needed
Use of natural tear products.
Auditory changes begin to be noticed at about 40 years of age.
Environmental factors such as exposure to noise, medications and
infections as well as genetics may contribute to hearing loss.
Hearing loss may cause older people to respond inappropriately.
Older people often cannot following conversation because tones of
high frequency consonants (F, S, TH, CH, SH, B, T, P) all sound alike.
Reduce extra noise when
trying to have a conversation.
Place yourself so the person can see you and fairly close –
increased volume not always helpful.
Make sure you have the persons attention before speaking.
Have doctor check for and remove wax if needed.
Arrange for hearing assessment and provide support to use a
hearing aid if needed.
Four basic taste ( Sweet, Sour, Salty and Bitter) are particularly
dulled in older people.
Changes in the sense of smell are related to cell loss in the
nasal passage and in the olfactory bulb in the brain.
Environmental factors such as long term exposure to toxins (Dust,
Pollen and Smoke) contribute to the cellular damage.
May enjoy smaller
attractive meals help to smell food preparation.
Serve the food in
attractive ways.
Age related changes the thickness of epidermis decreases along
with loss of moisture making the skin dry and rough.
The melanocyte number decline which reduces protection against Sun
rays and leads to appearance of small hypopigmentedspots.
In the dermis the fibroblast number and the production of
extracellular matrix decreases causing wrinkling of the skin.
Scalp are turns grey due to loss of melanin.
Growth of nails slows down.
Use of moisturizers are bath oils can make bath tub slippery.
As a care provider keep nails short
Pat gently when helping to dry after bathing.
Bottom of feet may be core pay attention to foot dear.
May feel cooler than others but be more at risk of sun stroke.
Use sun screen hats long sleeves.
· Be careful with such things as hot water bottles.
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