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Plant Breeding - Seed Storage | 12th Botany : Chapter 9 : Plant Breeding

Chapter: 12th Botany : Chapter 9 : Plant Breeding

Seed Storage

Storage starts in the mother plant itself when it attains physiological maturity.

Seed Storage

Storage starts in the mother plant itself when it attains physiological maturity. Storage may be defined as the preservation of viable seeds from the time of collection until they are required for sowing. After harvesting the seeds are either stored in ware houses or in transit or in retail shop.


1. Classification of seeds based on storage


2. Methods of Seed Storage

i. Conventional Methods of Seed Storage

Conventional storage includes storage in Bamboo structure, mud and earthen structure, wooden structure and underground structure. In village level storage is done in large level in concrete/ cement silos, Metal or plastic drums and metal silos. Improved rural level storage structure includes storage in coal tar drum, udaipur bin, bamboo bin, pusa bin and metal bins.

ii. Modern Methods of Seed Storage

·         Seed storage in cryopreservation: It is the technique of germplasm conservation (storage of cells, tissue, embryo or seeds) by ultra-low temperature in liquid nitrogen at -196oC. It is not practical for commercial seed storage purpose, but is useful to store the valuable germplasm for use in future which cannot be preserved by conventional methods.

·         Seed storage in gene bank: In gene bank, seed storage is the preservation of seed under controlled environmental condition which will prolong the viability of the seeds for long periods. The temperature, relative humidity and seed moisture content. Containers and distribution arrangement vary for each and every type of seed.

·         Svalbard seed bank:

The seeds are stored in four ply sealed envelopes, and then placed into plastic tote containers on metal shelving racks.The storage rooms are kept a -18oC.  The  low temperature and limited access to O2 will ensure low metabolic activity and delayed seed ageing. The permafrost surrounding will help to maintain low temperature of the seed when the electricity supply fails.


3. Seed Certification

Seed certification is a legally sanctioned system for quality control of seed multiplication and production. The purpose of this certification is to maintain the seeds and make them available to the public. Through certification, high quality seeds and propagating materials of notified kind and variety are grown and distributed to ensure genetic identity and purity.


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