Relationship between Fractions and Decimals
introduce the concept of decimal
a rectangle and spit the rectangle into 10 equal parts
will you represent each part of the above rectangle?
is 1/10, 1/10 and so on, Shade 1 part of the rectangle.
1 part is shaded out of 10 parts. Fractional representation is 1/10. It can be
written in another way as 0.1 In 0.1 0 is called as the whole number part. 1 is
called as the decimal part and “ “ is called as the decimal point which separates
the unit place from tenth place.
decimal number 0.1 is read as “ Zero tenth place”.
Able to convert the
fraction to decimals and vice versa
To convert a fraction to a decimal, keep the point before the numerator as per the number of zeros in the denominator.
Example 6.19
Convert the following decimals into
i. 3.6
ii. 20.7
iii. 18.9
i. 3.6 = 36/10
ii. 20.7= 207/10
iii. 18.9 = 189/10
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