Financial system is regulated by different government agencies. The relationships among other participants, the trading mechanism and the overall flow of funds are managed, supervised and controlled by these statutory agencies. In India, two basic agencies regulating the financial market are the Reserve Bank of India (RBI ) and Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Reserve Bank of India, being the Central Bank, has the primary responsibility of maintaining liquidity in the money market It undertakes the sale and purchase of T-Bills on behalf of the Government of India. SEBI has a primary responsibility of regulating and supervising the capital market. It has issued a number of Guidelines and Rules for the control and supervision of capital market and investors protection. Besides, there is an array of legislations and government departments also to regulate the operations in the financial system.
These market intermediaries provide different types of financial services to the investors. They provide expertise to the securities issuers. They are constantly operating in the financial market. Small investors in particular and other investors too, rely on them. It is in their (market intermediaries) own interest to behave rationally, maintain integrity and to protect and maintain reputation, otherwise the investors would not be trusting them next time. In principle, these intermediaries bring efficiency to corporate fund raising by developing expertise in pricing new issues and marketing them to the investors.
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