following sections will briefly describe and evaluate the two types of
rehabilitation programs that have had the great-est impact on the field in the
1990s, social skills training and cognitive rehabilitation, and promising
directions in vocational rehabilitation.
The most
useful perspective for understanding social functioning and social dysfunction
in the illness has been the “social skills model” (Meier and Hope, 1998;
Morrison and Bellack, 1984). Social skills are specific response capabilities
necessary for effective performance. They include verbal response skills (e.g.,
the ability to start a conversation or to say “No” when needed), paralinguistic
skills (e.g., use of appropriate voice volume and in-tonation) and nonverbal
skills (e.g., appropriate use of gaze, hand gestures and facial expressions).
These skills tend to be stable over time and make a unique contribution to the
performance of social roles and quality of life (Bellack et al., 1990; Mueser et al.,
1991). Increasing social competence and improving social role functioning has
been a major focus of rehabilitation efforts for the past 25 years, and a
well-developed technology for teaching social skills has been developed and
empirically tested: social skills training (SST) (Bellack et al., 1997; Liberman, 1995).
skills training is a highly structured educational procedure that is generally
conducted in small groups. Complex social repertoires such as making friends
and dating are broken down into steps or component elements such as maintaining
eye contact and asking questions. Patients are first taught to perform the
elements and then gradually learn smoothly to combine them. Each session has a
specific focus such as how to initiate conversations with strangers and how to
refuse an unreason-able request. Trainers are more like teachers than
traditional therapists. They first give patients simple instructions about how
the behavior is to be performed, then they model appropri-ate behavior in a
simulated conversation, and then they engage patients in role playing of
simulated social encounters as a vehi-cle for practicing new skills. The
therapists provide social rein-forcement after each role played response and
shape improved performance.
SST is
clearly effective in increasing the use of specific behaviors (e.g., gaze,
asking questions, voice volume) and improving functioning in the specific
domains that are the primary focus of the treatment (e.g., conversational
skill, ability to perform on a job interview). However, it is unclear whether
other more diffuse dimensions of social functioning are affected, or the extent
to which learning in the clinic translates into improved role functioning in
the community. The effects of SST on relapse rate and symptoms appear to be
negligible, although this is not surprising given the narrow focus of the
intervention. SST is clearly an effective teaching technology that is
well-received by both patients and clinicians. Nevertheless, it may well be
that no time-limited, compartmentalized, office-based treatment can have
broad-based effects.
and colleagues (2001) have approached the problem of generalization with an
innovative approach referred to as in
vivo amplified skills training (IVAST). It combines stand-ard skills
training with intensive case management, based on the assertive community
treatment (ACT) model (Stein and Test, 1985). Office-based SST is supplemented
and extended by a case manager who helps guide and reinforce appropriate
behaviors in the community such as by helping a patient make a doctor’s
appointment or learn how to use public transportation. IVAST requires careful
assessment of individual skills and needs and the extent to which the living
environment is concordant with the patient’s capacity to succeed. The case
manager/trainer helps develop skills and/or shape the environment as needed,
rather than putting the onus for success on the patient. IVAST has not yet been
evaluated empirically but it is a creative approach that warrants careful
of the importance of neurocognitive deficits has stimulated increasing interest
in the prospects for cognitive re-mediation. Results have not been particularly
robust but the work has had tremendous heuristic value.
Wykes and colleagues (1999) developed an intervention called cognitive remediation therapy that focuses on execu-tive functioning (e.g., cognitive flexibility, working memory and planning). The approach employs a sophisticated training model that is based on principles of errorless learning, targeted rein-forcement and guided practice on cognitive tasks. Training me-dia consist of a variety of paper and pencil games and neurocog-nitive tests. A preliminary trial yielded improvement on several neuropsychological measures and modest retention of training effects over a 6-month follow-up interval. A limitation of this program is that it employs a highly tailored individual treatment model and demands high levels of therapist skill slowly to shape patient behavior. However, the focus on executive functioning seems much more likely to lead to transferable effects than nar-rowly focused programs designed to strengthen working memory or attention.
alternative approach to cognitive rehabilitation capitalizes on the ease of
standardization and flexibility provided by computer software. Wexler and colleagues
(1997) and Bell and colleagues (2001) reported positive results for similar
programs that provide self-directed practice on basic attention, memory and
reasoning tasks (e.g., visual tracking, pyramids). These programs are limited
in that patients find the tasks repetitive and boring, and they do not receive
training per se. Patients may become more skilled on the specific tasks but
they do not necessarily learn effective strategies that normalize dysfunctional
neural circuitry or foster generalization to other situations.
ability to perform productive work, earn money and achieve a degree of
independence is generally regarded as a major factor in self-esteem, quality of
life and relationships with significant oth-ers. Yet it is a domain that is
particularly difficult for schizophre-nia patients. Rates of competitive
employment for persons with schizophrenia are generally less than 25%, and
participation in sheltered employment is not much better (Lehman, 1995). There
have been numerous hypotheses to explain the poor employment performance of
schizophrenia patients, many of which place the onus on symptomatology,
especially the sequelae of negative symptoms. Conversely, evidence suggests
that employment his-tory, work adjustment and ability to get along or function
socially with others are better predictors of employment (Anthony and Jansen,
1984). Social skill and ability to get along with others ap-pear to be critical
factors in both securing work (Charisiou et
al., 1989) and maintaining employment (Chadsey-Rusch, 1992; Cook et al., 1994; Lehman, 1995).
There are
many forms of vocational programs available in the community, including
sheltered workshops, job clubs, transitional employment, the Boston University
model and programs of job support. With the exception of programs involving job
support, there is little evidence that these types of vocational interventions
often result in sustained competitive employment among patients with severe
mental illness (Lehman, 1995). Such programs, however, appear to provide many
patients with structured opportunities for socialization and meaningful daily
activity. Such limited goals may be appropriate for certain patients. However,
for patients who are interested in competitive employment, it is clear that
traditional approaches to psychiatric rehabilitation have proven to be
disappointingly ineffective.
evidence from several well-controlled studies suggests that the integrated
placement and support (IPS) model of vocational rehabilitation may provide a
distinct advantage in increasing rates of competitive employment among patients
with severe mental illness (Drake et al.,
1999; Lehman et al., 2002). The IPS
model emphasizes the integration of vocational and mental health services by
having an employment specialist becoming a member of the multidisciplinary
clinical management team. The employment specialist helps patients search for
real jobs in the community, rather than for placement in sheltered workshops or
training programs. After employment is secured, the specialist provides
follow-along support in a time-unlimited manner, including intervening with the
employer if necessary. A manual has been developed to ensure fidelity of
implementation of the approach. However, job retention is a major problem, that
requires different strategies than job finding. Given the high priority placed
on employment by patients, family members, and the community, improved
employment services should be a major focus of research efforts in the future.
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