Factors in Gastroenterology
colitis is another disorder that was described in the early literature as a
psychosomatic disease, but no specific psy-chogenic factor contributing to the
development of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease has ever been
substantiated. As with other chronic medical diseases, patients with more
psychological distress tend to be those with more severe physical disease and
poorer functional capacity, but the causal relationships are not clear.
Psychological stress does appear to aggravate both symp-tom complaints and
mucosal disease activity in ulcerative colitis. Disability and distress in
patients with inflammatory bowel dis-ease are increased by the presence of a
concurrent psychiatric disorder. In fact, depression is a better predictor of
subjective impairment in inflammatory bowel disease than is inflammatory
activity. Psychotherapy has the potential to improve outcomes in inflammatory
bowel disease, as suggested by controlled trials.
central role of the bacterium Helicobacter
pylori in the etiology of peptic ulcer disease (PUD) has been clearly
established. Many physicians have consequently discarded the longstanding
belief that stress causes PUD, and concluded that PUD is an infectious disease,
except when attributable to nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-tory drugs (NSAIDS).
Nevertheless, psychological factors appear to be a significant part of the
explanation for why only a fraction of those colonized by H. pylori or taking NSAIDS develop ulcers. Psychological stress is
an independent risk factor for the develop-ment and recurrence of duodenal
ulcer. The frequency of peptic ulcer increases following catastrophic stressful
events, including bombardment, earthquake, economic crisis, or being a prisoner
of war or “boat people” refugee. Overall, psychosocial factors contrib-ute
between 30 and 65% of peptic ulcers (Levenstein, 2000), and are most likely to
be present in patients with duodenal ulcers who do not have conventional
medical risk factors (H. pylori,
NSAIDS). Occupational stress, family conflicts, depression, maladjustment and
hostility also are prospectively associated with PUD.
factors appear to influence PUD through both health risk behaviors (smoking,
alcohol abuse, overuse of NSAIDS, poor diet, poor sleep) and psychophysiologic
mecha-nisms (pepsinogen and acid secretion, altered blood flow, impair-ment of
mucosal defenses, and slowing of healing related to the action of cortisol)
(Levenstein, 2000).
bowel syndrome (IBS) is a heterogeneous condition with a high frequency of
comorbid anxiety especially panic at-tacks, depression and somatization.
Whereas patients with IBS are psychologically more distressed than normal
subjects, they do not have a common profile of psychological symptoms or
per-sonality traits. Patients with IBS are more likely to have a history of
childhood sexual abuse than are those with other gastrointesti-nal disorders in
studies of patients seeking care at tertiary refer-ral centers. In fact, almost
all psychological characteristics and psychopathology thought to be more common
in IBS are differ-entially increased only in those who seek medical care for
their symptoms.
Both IBS
patients and their physicians observe that their gastrointestinal symptoms seem
aggravated by stress, but there is no clear evidence that stress causes a
different gastrointesti-nal smooth muscle response than in control subjects.
Instead, psychological factors’ effects on IBS appear predominantly on
perception of pain and other somatic symptoms, and on health care seeking
behaviors. After an acute episode of infectious gas-troenteritis, individuals
with more life stress, and who were more hypochondriacal, were the ones most
likely to go on to develop IBS, without any differences in intestinal
physiology (Gwee et al., 1999).
routinely observe the effect of psychological fac-tors, especially anxiety, in
the aggravation of a wide variety of dermatological conditions. There are few
systematic studies, and perhaps the most important relationships are not
uniquely related to particular dermatological disorders. Both anxiety and
depres-sion appear to worsen pruritus (itching). So-called neurotic
exco-riation complicates many dermatological disorders and is aggra-vated by
anxiety, depression and other behavioral factors. That so many skin diseases
appear to be precipitated or exacerbated by psychological stress also suggests
a nonspecific impairment of cutaneous function. There is now evidence in both
animals and humans that stress negatively affects skin’s function as a
perme-ability barrier.
clinically observe important relationships between psychological factors and
urticaria, angioedema, atopic dermatitis, hyperhidrosis, acne and psoriasis,
but controlled stud-ies are lacking. Excessive sun exposure is a maladaptive
health behavior contributing to skin cancer and various other dermato-logical
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