Chapter: Object Oriented Programming and Data Structure : Linear Data Structures

Priority Queue

State and explain the priority queue with example. Priority Queue

State and explain the priority queue with example. Priority Queue


- is a queue where each data has an associated key that is provided at the time of insertion. - Dequeue operation deletes data having highest priority in the list

- One of the previously used dequeue or enqueue operations has to be modified


Example: Consider the following queue of persons where females have higher priority than males (gender is the key to give priority).


Dequeue()- deletes Aster Dequeue()- deletes Meron


Now the queue has data having equal priority and dequeue operation deletes the front element like in the case of ordinary queues.


Dequeue()- deletes Abebe Dequeue()- deletes Alemu

Thus, in the above example the implementation of the dequeue operation need to be modified.


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